Key To My Heart ~ Chapter 5

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A/N:  In case you don’t know, the Gibson les Paul is one of the most common electric guitars.  There's a pic in the multimedia thingy ;)


  “What the hell, girl, I can tell when something’s up! You can tell me, really,”

“NO!”  you yelled.  Yuffie looked hurt, and you instantly felt bad.  “Look,”  you said more softly, “maybe some other time.  When I’m more comfortable about the idea of sharing my past with someone. Although that might be awhile…sorry?”

  “Hey, it’s no problem!”  Yuffie said, losing the hurt look.  “I totally understand!  Don’t feel bad.”  She grinned.  “Well, shall we go?”

  You grinned.  “Definitely!” 


  Yuffie dragged you all the way around town, teaching you ninja moves and showing you everything that was interesting or freaky, except for Ansem’s Study, since you still didn’t feel like going there. “Another time, then!” Yuffie said, brushing it off when you said this.

  When the two of you finally returned to Cid’s house it was getting dark.  Sora and Riku were already waiting for you.  “It’s about time!” Sora said as Yuffie walked into the house with you tailing behind her.

  “Hi to you too, spiky!”  Yuffie ran at Sora and gave him a hug, making him reel back.

  “Spiky?!” Sora gasped, trying to breath.

  “Hey Maryx,” Riku interrupted, before Yuffie could say anything more, “we were talking, and we decided that it’s best if we leave now.  That okay with you?”

  You shrugged.  “Sure, whatever.”

  “We’re going to Atlantica first!” Sora informed you, grinning.  Riku scowled a little.  

  “Okay...”  ‘Hmm, why doesn’t he want to go there?’ you wondered.  'Ahh, right, that's the world where we turn into mermen and mermaids.  So he'll be going around topless and with a tail...I wonder if he has a six-pack...wait, WHAT?!  Did I just think that?!'

  “Whoa, slow down!” Yuffie jumped in.  “You guys can’t leave! You just got here!”

  You rolled your eyes just to piss Riku off some more.  “We’ve been here all day, Yuffie.”

  “That’s right, just one day!” She wagged a finger at Sora.  "You’re always rushing off!  At least stay the night!”

  “Thanks Yuffie,” Sora said, “but Riku’s right; it’s best if we leave now.”  In response she just sulked.

  “Look, we’ll visit soon, 'kay?” you said.  

  That perked her up.  “Fine” she said, “but 'soon' better come quick!”

  “It will,” promised Riku.

                                  *                              *                             *

  “It’s going to be a twenty hour flight to Atlantica,” Riku informed you and Sora once the Gummi ship took off.  Instead of putting the ship on autopilot, he stayed at the controls. ‘Just to avoid me, I suppose,’ you thought.

  “Hey, do you guys think my hair is too spiky?” Sora asked, peering at his reflection in a window.

  “Your hair is fine, Sora,” Riku said, without taking his eyes off the Gummi route he was examining on a screen.

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