Key To My Heart ~ Chapter 22

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Merlin’s voice grew louder, and the gibberish became more complicated.  “I summon thee BACK!” he said finally.

  “OW!  Damn, that thing is sharp!” you exclaimed as he whacked your real self on the head hard with his wand, and you felt the blow clearly.   Below you, a speck of blood formed on your real self’s forehead.  You touched your forehead gingerly and saw a small drop of blood on your finger.

  Your hand started to fade in front of you, and a stinging sensation overwhelmed you, though it wasn’t even close to what you had felt back on the Altar of Naught.  ‘Guess this is it,’ you thought.

  Your surroundings started to waver and soon became a big blur.  Then everything went black again.



  ‘So this is what being Doctor Who would feel like,’ you thought as you were diving down at a freakishly fast rate.  Kaori had been a total fanatic of Doctor Who, and used to make you watch endless hours of the show.  The only vaguely interesting part was when he’d travel back and forth.  This felt a little bit like that, except instead of space it was a black vortex.

  You landed with a thud on a platform.  Groaning, you staggered up and looked around.  Once again, everything was black, but this time you were standing on a stained glass floor.  It turned out that the image on the floor was one of Sora, except he was about a year or so younger.  “Brilliant, now I’m stuck in a place with a giant picture of Sora below me,” you muttered, absent mindedly kicking at Sora’s head painted on the glass.  "It's like being around him times five."

  In front of you, two doors appeared, one white and one black.  “Choose,” a voice said.

  “Is there a million dollars behind one door and a man-eating tiger behind the other?” you asked in fake-excitement.

  “You know the answer.”

  “Let me guess, this is such a cliché moment that the white door leads to life, and the black door leads to nothingness?” you stated, crossing your arms. 

  “Just choose one,” the voice snapped.  You smirked, knowing that you had irritated the disembodied voice, and took your time selecting a door, even though you knew which one you were going to choose.

  After a while, you reached out a hand to pull open the blindingly white door when the voice rang out again.  “Are you truly satisfied with your choice?” it said.

  “Well, obviously,” you rolled your eyes.

  “Listen to your heart.”

  “Right…because my heart gained the ability to talk overnight…”


  Sighing, you shut your eyes and tried to focus on your inner being.  Pretty much all you could hear was your own heartbeat.  “It’s not saying anything,” you commented, “maybe it’s tongue-tied?”

  A second later a powerful blast had knocked you to the ground.  “Someone’s temperamental,” you muttered, pushing yourself back up. 

  “One door leads to life.  In life, you’ve suffered many hardships, and few more will come your way.  The other leads to death, but in choosing that door you will be able to protect the ones you love from the next life; see that no danger will come to them.  And, you will be reunited with those you have lost.”

Key To My Heart ~ A Riku Story (Kingdom Hearts)Where stories live. Discover now