Key To My Heart ~ Chapter 12

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  “He’s right, it’s getting late,” Riku said.

  You grabbed his arm as he stood up. “Stay with me?” you begged when he looked at you questioningly.  He nodded, and you both climbed under the sheets.

  The thunder outside rumbled even louder.  “Still afraid of the thunder?” he whispered, holding you close.

  “What thunder?” you murmured.

  He chuckled and stroked your hair.  “We’ll find her,” he said, referring to Kaori.

  “If she’s alive,” you responded.

  “She is,” he said confidently.  He kissed the top of your head.  “Go to sleep Maryx.”

  You snuggled closer to him and almost instantly fell asleep.

 (A/N:  Hey guys!  Maryx looks kiiiinda like this *not really, but its the best pic I could find* except she has dark skin) ------------------------>


  You woke up in Riku’s arms, feeling safe for the first time in a long while.  Snuggling closer to him, you wished that you never had to move.

  Next to you, Riku shifted and his eyes began to open.  You smiled and kissed him before he could wake up fully.  Pretty soon he started kissing back.  “I could get used to this,” he commented, pulling away finally and opening his eyes.

  You smiled as he pulled you closer to him.  “You know, at first I thought I had dreamed the whole thing,” he murmured.

“So did I,” you laughed, turning your head to look at him. ‘God, his eyes are so green,’ you thought.

  He kissed you on the forehead.  “Come on, we gotta get up.”

  “Do we have to?” you complained softly.

  He laughed, shoving the covers off and laughing again when you groaned and sat up groggily. “You look exactly like Sora does when someone wakes him up,” he said.

  “I’m awake,” you said, getting up hastily.

  Belle walked some time later while you were brushing your hair.  “Good! You’re awake!” she exclaimed.

‘Obviously,’ you thought.

  “There’s another Organization XIII member outside,” she said.  “I’ve seen him before, his name’s Xaldin.”

  Riku already has his Keyblade out.  “Let’s go!” he said to you, running out the door.

  “Be careful!” Belle called as you followed him.

  By the time you reached the end of the hall you managed to catch up with Riku and grabbed his arm, and you transported the two of you to the doors of the Entrance Hall.

  Outside, it was still raining, and lightning and thunder crashed across the sky.  A man with dreadlocks and wearing the Organization cloak stood waiting for you in the rain.  In his hand he was holding a key.

  “How’d he get the wind key?” Riku muttered.

  “Maryx, Riku, you’re finally here,” Xaldin said calmly.  “And before you ask, Kaori told me all about you.”

  Riku glanced at you and saw the annoyed look on your face.  “Where did you get the key from?” he demanded.

  “It is none of your concern,” he replied.  “Where is the boy with the key?”

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