Key To My Heart ~ Chapter 17

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  Riku got up from the pilot’s seat and went out into the hallway, returning a few minutes later with all of the keys.  “So this is it,” he said, spreading them out on a seat.  “Our mission’s almost over.”

  “I wonder if it’ll hurt,” you said thoughtfully.

  “What will hurt?” asked Kaori.

  “You know, when the light takes over my heart or whatever.  Like, would it burn or throb or something?”

  “It’ll probably be agonizing,” Riku said teasingly.  “It’ll feel like someone’s ripping into you and yanking your heart out with claws and stuffing the empty space with needles and…’

  “Urgh, shut up!” you groaned, putting your hand over your heart subconsciously.


  “For the last time, Sora,” you repeated, holding up a card.  “This is a six.”  You held up another card.  “And this is a nine.”

  “Well, they look exactly the same when the nine is upside-down!” he complained.

  Groaning, you turned around to glare at Kairi.  “If it was your genius idea to teach him how to play Uno, why aren’t you the one teaching?”

  “I’m watching, aren’t I?” she grinned.

  “And it’s not my fault,” Sora added, “the six is supposed to have a line underneath it to show which way to read it.”

  “He’s right you know,” Roxas said from the control panel.

  “Urgh…Roxas, just carry on doing…what are you doing?”

  He kept looking around at the controls and screens.  “I’m trying to figure out how long it’s going to take us to get to Radiant Gardens or whatever it’s called.”

  “We’re going there?  Why?” Kairi asked.

  “Yeah, Sora and Maryx and I thought it would be a good idea to stock up on some things there, because stuff is way cheaper at their shops,” Riku said.  “And we can let Leon and the others know we’re okay.”

  “I did promise Yuffie that we’d go back soon, didn’t I?” you laughed.  “And that was weeks ago.”

  “It’s this button, isn’t it?” Roxas said, leaning over to press a button.  “This one shows how much time it’ll take us, right?”

  “Shit, don’t touch that one!” Riku yelled, running up to him and pushing him away.  “That one would warp us to another dimension!”

  “Well, where the hell is the…”

  “Geez, it’s right there, Roxas.  He tapped the screen that was almost directly in front of Roxas. “Fourteen days.”

  “Yeah…I knew that…” he muttered.

  “Fourteen days?” you repeated.  “That’s different.”

  “Yeah, there are some sort of asteroids blocking the normal route, so we have to go all the way around the other worlds to get there.”

  “Well thanks for telling us!” Sora exclaimed.  “Now I have to spend two weeks in an enclosed space with Maryx!”

  “Oh, very funny, genius,” you said, shuffling the cards again.  “Can’t we just shoot the asteroids or whatever?”

Key To My Heart ~ A Riku Story (Kingdom Hearts)Where stories live. Discover now