Key To My Heart ~ Chapter 18

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A/N:  Hey everyone!  Yuffie's in this chapter!  Yay!  Sorry, it’s been a few months since I’ve played KH2 and I don’t remember the layout of Ansem’s Study/Computer Room, so please forgive me if the descriptions are wrong!


  To your surprise you felt the sick feeling vanish as she said this.  “Yeah, I know you wouldn’t,” you said softly.  “But promise me something, okay Kaori?”

  “Sure.  What is it?”

  “If you and Roxas do get together, would you please not make out with him in front of me?  For my sanity?”

  “Oh you’re so hilarious I could die from laughing,” she said lightly. “But sure, I’ll never make out with him in front of you.”


  “I think.”


  “You know I’m kidding!”


  “Why.  Do.  You.  Live.  Why.  Do.  You.  Live.”  You chanted over and over, banging your head against the wall with every word.

  “I live so that maybe, just maybe, if you hit your head like that for long enough you’ll knock yourself out,” Sora said cheerfully from the other side of the lounge-thing, where he was going through the fridge for food.  It had been two days since you had left Pride Lands, but Sora was already getting on your nerves.

  “You’re lucky I haven’t killed you yet,” you muttered.

  “It is pretty amazing that she’s held out for so long,” Kaori commented.

  “Pfft, for so long?  It’s pretty amazing she’s held out at all,” Riku said.

    “What was that, Riku?” you asked, faking confusion.  “Dancer nobodies snuck up behind you and would’ve killed you, but your girlfriend finished them off before they could reach you, even though she was furious with you at the time?  Wow, that is some girlfriend you have there, she must be hardcore!”

  “I was going to attack them, you just got there before I had the chance!”

  “If I hadn’t got there you wouldn’t have had a chance.”

  “What are you two on about?” Kairi asked.

  “At Beast’s Castle,” Riku told her, “there were loads of nobodies in the Ballroom, and we had had this argument about an hour before that, and Maryx killed these Dancer nobodies that were coming up behind me.”

  “Argument…oh, you mean had huge fight you had where you ended up calling her a bitch and slapping her and she ran out of the room?”

  “It wasn’t a ‘huge’ fight, Kairi,” you sighed, rubbing the back of your head.  “It was…a very loud discussion.”

  Sora laughed out loud and began rummaging through a compartment near the control panel.  “I could hear you from my room!”

  “Exactly, it was very loud.”

  “Wow, Riku, you did that and she actually let you live?” Kaori asked, stunned.

  “Yeah, I’m surprised I survived,” he grinned.

  “Why does everyone keep assuming that I’m going to kill them?” you asked in exasperation.  “I mean, in Olympus Coliseum Sora thought I was going to kill him...”

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