Key To My Heart ~ Chapter 2

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  King Mickey looked you in the eyes.  "No, Maryx, there is no one else who can do this."  He paused for a moment before saying, "because you are the Princess of Darkness."


   "I'm the princess."


  "I'm the princess?"

  "That's right!"

  "...I understand."

  He brightned up.  "Ya do?"

  "Sure.  I'm the princess.  I also like to do highland dancing in a frilly magenta swimsuit while playing the ukulele." 


  "Sorry..."  You had been unable to hold back.  "But honestly, Your Majesty, I'm the princess?  How can I be one?  I don't have even royal blood in me!" 

  "You don't, that's true," King Mickey admitted. "But your Keyblade, Broken Pieces, is the one that chooses who the Dark Princess is, in the same way the Kingdom Key chooses its wielder.  I knew you were the one as soon as I met you."

  "Well, thanks for telling me that earlier," you shot back.  Broken Pieces had come to you when you'd met the king, yet only now he was informing you of this mysterious role that accompanied it.  'He expects me to go on a mission for who-knows-how-long, with two boys that I've never even met.  Just.  Brilliant.'  "So, I suppose I don't have a choice in this?" you questioned.

  King Mickey sighed.  "No, Maryx, ya don't really have much of a choice.  In fact, you're meetin' Sora and Riku tonight!"

  You stared at him, incredulous.  "Tonight?" you repeatedin shock.  "But...but...Your Majesty, why are you only telling me this now?  The beautiful magic called 'a few days' warning' is a wonderful thing."

  He wasn't ruffled at all by the fact that you were ready to smash something. "I'll be takin' ya to the Destiny Islands tonight to meet them.  Speakin' of which, we'll be leavin' in about an hour, since the trip in the Gummi Ship is seven hours long.  If I were you, I'd probably take a little nap."

  "But..."  His shoulders slumped a little and his eyes suddenly had a sad look in them.  He looked like a little kid who just got told that he couldn't get any candy.  "Oh, fine," you sighed, annoyed at yourself for giving into his guilt trip.  "Like you said, I don't a choice."  You bowed and moved to the doors to go back to your room, but then turned around again.  "Anything else you'd like to break to me, Your Majesty?  I have an identical twin, a secret ability to grow an eye on my forehead?  Maybe you're going to surprise me with a man-eating dog or two?"

  The king gave you a look, and you sighed again. "Alright, alright," you said, striding out the doors.    Your final statement echoed through the room as you exited: "But this does not mean that I have to like them!"

 *That night*

Riku's POV

  You rubbed your shoulder on thethrobbing spot where Sora had just hit you with his wooden sword and glared at his gleeful face.  "Can't you land a hit anywhere else, Sora?"

  Sora rubbed the back of his head, considering this.  Perfect.  While he was off guard, you darted forward and jabbed him with your sword in his torso.  "Too slow,"  you declared triumphantly, slinging the sword over your shoulder in victory.

  "Aw, man!" Sora whined, flopping down on the sand.  "You need to stop doing that."

  You grinned and settled down beside him.  You had been waiting on the island for some time for King Mickey and the 'friend' that would be accompanying you and Sora on your new adventure, and to pass the time the two of you had been dueling with your old toy swords.  Mickey hadn't provided much information about the guy coming with you on the mission - just that he had being living at Disney Castle for a year, he was a keyblade wielder, and he was sixteen years old, like you.  "I wonder why the king is taking so long," Sora mused as gazed up at the stars that had begun to blink into the sky..

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