Key To My Heart ~ Chapter 13

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AN:  Hi guys!  So, this chapter is in Port Royal, the pirate world!  *is wearing an eyepatch in honour of the occasion*  To make this a lot easier, let’s just pretend that Pirate of the Caribbean 2, 3, and 4 were never made.


  “But really, you’re not kidding, right?” Sora asked.

  Riku rolled his eyes.  “No, Sora, we’re not kidding.”

  “Of course not,” you said.  “But if you want proof and all…”  You and Riku started kissing again. Sora threw more water on the two of you.  “Okay seriously, stop doing that!” you said to Sora.


  “So who is this Jack Spa…Captain Jack Sparrow person, Sora?” you asked, trying to squeeze the water out of your hair.

  Sora grinned at the name.  “He’s great!” he said enthusiastically.  “He’s a real pirate! And he has this ship called the Black Pearl.  Once we were tied up in the hull of his ship, and he got out of his ropes in five seconds!”

  “I can do that,” you and Riku said at the same time.

  “Of course you can,” Kairi said.

  “And he’s really random,” Sora continued.

  You looked at him quizzically.  "Is that a good thing?”

  “Oh, it is!” he said.  “He wanted to keep the Keyblade once, but it came back to me, so he couldn’t. And he likes rum.”

  “Sounds weird,” you commented as you shook your head violently, splattering Riku with drops of water.  “He started it!” you said when he glared at you.

  Kairi stood up suddenly.   “Hey, Maryx, come with me!” she said.

  “What?  Why?” You stood up reluctantly.

  “Just…come!” she said again.  You sighed at went with her into your room.  “What’s the matter?” you asked.

  “You and Riku aren’t faking this, right?” she demanded.

  “No, Kairi,” you said, rolling your eyes.  “Why is that so hard to believe?”

  She grinned and bounced on the bed.  “It’s just so cool!” she exclaimed.  “You and Riku, me and Sora. Too bad there isn’t someone for Roxas.”

  “Who’s Roxas?  Oh wait, Sora's nobody, right?” you asked, remember what Riku had told you at Beast's Castle.

  “Yeah, he was never supposed to come out of him after all that’s happened, but…” she trailed of purposely.

  “Fine, don’t tell me then,” you said casually, walking to the door.

  Kairi ran up and caught your arm.  “Don’t go!” she said, pulling you back.  “While you two were at the Beast’s Castle, the King told me and Sora that he knows a way to draw Roxas out of Sora!  It was either that or draw Namine out of me, he can’t do both, so we decided to bring out Roxas.  AND he’ll have a heart, which means he’ll have emotions!”

  “I understand the drawing out part, but how does he get a heart in the process?” you asked, confused.

  “The King said it was too complicated to explain,” she said.  “But the point is that there’ll be another fighter!”

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