Key To My Heart ~ Chapter 6

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As you entered the hallway and shut the door behind you, you could still hear them talking.

"I wonder why she thinks she sucks?  She was awesome!" you heard Sora say.

"I dunno," Riku said. "Maybe something happened in her past that made her lose self-confidence."

"Hah, so do you still LIKE her?"

"Shut up, she might hear you!"

"But you do!"

"Why do I tell you things…" 

The voices softened leaving thoughts swimming around your head. 'What the hell?  Riku likes me?


  It was nightime, and still three hours until the ship ‘landed’ in Atlantica.  After you had heard what Sora said, you couldn’t fall asleep.  So you grabbed a book and head back to the main room.  When you entered, you saw that Riku had gone to bed already and Sora was twisting about in his seat while playing a game on a PSP.

  “DAMN IT!” Sora yelled, tossing the PSP onto the seat next to him. “I. Just. Can’t. WIN!”

  “Say it a little louder, Sora, I don’t think Organization XIII heard you,” you commented, sitting down next to him.

  Before Sora could say anything, Riku called out, “Keep it down!”

  Sora mumbled something incoherable and pick up the PSP again.  “Can’t sleep, Ryx?”

  “Um…yeah, just a lot on my mind,” you responded, a bit thrown off by the shortened name.  After a moment of uncomfortable silence you ventured, “So, um, what’s giving you trouble?”

  He looked confused. “'Giving me trouble?'”

  “The game.  What’s the problem?  Can’t pass a level or something?”

  “Oh!” he said.  “Right!  It’s this video game about my journey that the King gave to me about two months ago.  I can’t defeat Xigbar!”  He sighed like you had.  “It’s more annoying than it normally is, because I’m so close to finishing the game.”

  You held back a smile.  “I hope you could defeat him in real life.”

  He nodded. “Oh, I did!  It was way easier with that!  But it’s so different with this!”  Then he grinned and held out the PSP to you.  "Do you wanna try?"

  You shook your head.  "No thanks.  I'm not very good at video games.  Can I watch you?"

  “Sure!  It's a free world, right?” Sora said, taking the PSP back.

  " Gummi Ship..."

 Soon you had watched a few minutes of cutscenes, then Sora began pressing buttons to try and control a laser-filled battle.  You noticed that he missed quite a few reaction commands, other than the ones where Xigbar was on a different floor at the beginning of the battle.  It actually went alright until Xigbar hit him with about a million lasers at once.  He groaned in annoyance he got ready to try again.  "Try unequiping Donald's limit attack," you suggest.  'Hah, typical, that damn duck's as useless in a videogame as he is in real life!'

  He brightened up a bit.  "Yeah!  Maybe that'll work!  Should I use a different Keyblade too?"

  "Just use the best one you have, I guess."

  After a few more tries, Sora started skipping the cutscenes and went straight to the fight.  When Xigbar transformed the floor into a square and fired millions blue lasers nonstop, he made ‘Sora’ run around in circles, avoiding him from getting caught by them.  When he made blue arrow-like things fly around, Riku called out from his room, "Why are you two suddenly so quiet?"

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