Key To My Heart ~ Chapter 14

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A/N:  Aaaaand guess who's introduced in this chapter?  *prepares self for fan-girl attack* Remember the days when it was Riku who had the gigantic fan club?  Now it's Roxas.  *sigh*  I feel so old.  Haha.


  “Hey Maryx, where are you going to stay when this is all over?” Kairi asked.

  You thought for a moment.  “I don't know," you shrugged.  “With the King, I guess.”

  As you said this, a white portal appeared and the King stepped out.  “Are ya ready, Sora?” he asked.

  Sora looked bewildered.  “For what?”

  “To bring Roxas out, of course!” he said.



  “What, now?” Sora said.  “We just got back!”

  “Now’s better than ever,” he replied. “There’s not enough time to put off longer.” He put out his hand and a glowing orb appeared.   “Again with the crystal balls?” you muttered.

  “Is this going to hurt?” Sora asked anxiously.

  “It might.  I’m not exactly sure if will work or not!” the King admitted.

  “What – so anything could happen?”  Now he looked freaked out.

  “Just get it over with, Sora,” Riku said.  You shoved him into a seat before he could protest again.

  “Close your eyes, Sora,” the King said.  He did, and King Mickey held onto the orb tightly and pressed it against the place where Sora’s heart would be.  The orb began to spin and glowed so bright that you and the others had to shield your eyes.  When you opened them again you saw a blonde boy lying on the ground near the King.

  ‘So, that must be Roxas,’ you thought.

  “Now that didn’t hurt, did it?” the King asked cheerfully as Sora opened his eyes hesitantly.

  “Yes, it did!” he said.  Roxas groaned and sat up, rubbing his head.  “What happened?” he muttered.

  Sora held up his hand in front of Roxas’ face.  “How many fingers am I holding up?”

  “Sora?!” Roxas jumped up, knocking Sora down.  “What happened?” he asked again, looking around.

  “It’s kinda complicated to explain,” the King said, “but in short, you’re a whole bein' and ya now  have a heart!”

  Roxas blinked a little then put his hand on his chest.  His eyes went wide and you assumed that he could feel his heartbeat.  “So…I’m not a nobody?”

  “Not anymore,” Sora said.

  “You four catch him up on what’s goin' on,” the King said as he made a portal.  “I have to go.  Good luck finding the last key!”

  “Key?” Roxas asked in confusion when the King left.   “What's he talking about?  And who’s she?” He pointed at you.

  “This is Maryx," Riku said.  “She’s helping us on our mission.  Maryx, this is Roxas, obviously.”

  “What mission?”

  “Geez, just put him out of his misery and fill him in already,” you said, shaking your head.

  Sora and Riku finally told him everything about the keys and defeating Organization XIII.  “There aren’t many of them left,” Riku added.  “Just Zexion, Marluxia, and Xemnas.”

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