Key To My Heart ~ Chapter 20

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 AN:  I’m very sorry, but I haven’t played the game for months.  So, please forgive me with my descriptions of The World/The Castle That Never Was, because they’re probably very off :P


  "That's actually another reason why I want to go through with this mission," you spoke up.  "I didn't realize I wanted it, but now I know, I HAVE to do this, Riku. To stop people like him hurting others."

  "Yeah...I get that now." He stroked your hair and hugged you a little tighter before letting you go.  "Come on Ryx," he said, standing up and offering you his hand.

  "Where are we going?" you asked in surprise.

  "To the main area.  We've been in here for a while."

  You were almost out the door with him when he stopped you abruptly.  “You do realize I called you Ryx several times and you didn’t even notice?”

  “Oh, I noticed.  But it sounds nice coming from you.”

  “Good, that means I don’t have to die a horrible, painful death.”  You started chasing him after he caught sight of the death glare on your face.


  That night, you woke up feeling thirsty, and you grudgingly forced yourself out of Riku ‘s arms to go to the main area for some water.  Ever since Kaori had turned up it had been too crowded and messy in your bedroom for you, Kairi, and Kaori to stay in, so you and Kairi decided to take turns staying with Riku or Sora each night.  Obviously, you stayed with Riku and Kairi stayed with Sora.

  On the way back from the main area, you heard muffled sounds coming from your own room.  You quietly pushed the ajar door open and went over to the bed, knowing what to expect.

  Kaori was sitting there, curled up in a fetal position, and sobbing softly.  Sighing a little, you wrapped her in a tight hug.  “You dreamt about Xehanort’s Heartless and Ryu again?” you whispered, and she nodded.

  You were still slightly surprised that Kairi never woke up when Kaori had these dreams, which was almost every night.  ‘At least,’ you thought as your sister cried, ‘that jerk didn’t hurt her in any other way…those memories gave me horrible nightmares.’

  “Ryx?”  Kaori looked up at you tearfully.  “How did you get over it?”

  Taken aback, you answered, “Get over what?”

  “What Xehanort’s Heartless did to Ryu…and to you…how did you move on?”

  “Kaori, I haven’t ‘moved on’ at all.  I don’t think I ever will either.”

  “But you don’t act like it!”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Well, for one you don’t get nightmares like I do-”

  “Don’t get nightmares?” you repeated incredulously.  “I used to get nightmares almost every night, Kaori!”

  “You do?”

  “I’m surprised Riku hasn't broken up with me just for that, at first I'd keep him up half the night when I got them.”

  The look on her face was priceless.  Not that you were joking.  “You…you never told me that,” she whispered, drying her eyes.  “Then again, you wouldn’t tell anyone, would you?”

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