Key To My Heart ~ Epilogue

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A/N:  I'm NOT a Rinoa-hater or a Stella-hater, in fact I think they're awesome!  And they're definitely very OOC here.  But I needed bad guys (make that girls) for this epilogue.  Gah, I got so emotional writing this.  I WANNA BOYFRIEND :(  No, not really.  I'm just jealous of my character xD

  Sorry, to everyone who have been waiting me to post this, for taking so long! :-)

  “So?” Kairi asked, putting down the magazine she’d been flipping through.

  “So...what?”  You glanced at the changing rooms where Kaori and Selphie were trying on dresses.  That’s right, those three had dragged you into one of the things you hated most:  shopping.

  She grinned excitedly and clapped her hands.  “What are you two doing for your anniversary tonight?”

  You couldn’t help but smile back.  “He says it’s a surprise.”

  “What’s a surprise?!” Selphie’s voice came from inside a changing room.  “Speak louder, you guys!”

  “Yeah, speak louder!  We can’t hear what you’re saying!” Kaori echoed.

  Kairi caught a rejected dress that Selphie tossed over the door.  “Maryx says she doesn’t know what she and Riku and doing for their anniversary, because he’s planning a surprise!”

  “Awww, that’s so romantic!” Selphie sighed.

  “Selphie, you find everything romantic,” Kaori laughed.

  “I can’t believe it’s been four years already,” Kairi said.  “It feels like just yesterday when we were sitting around the Gummi Ship, with you complaining about what a douche bag Riku was being.”

  “I never called him a douche bag!” you protested.

  “Oh, yes you did.  Many, many times.”

  “Okay, maybe I did...”

  "Well, you're too old to call him that now - twenty year olds can't do that sort of thing," Kaori teased.

  "Pfft, sure we can!" you laughed.

  “I still can’t believe you hated each other, and then you fell in love!” Selphie sighed, walking out of the dressing room with a pile of clothes in her arms.  “It’s a –”

  “’Classic love story’, and ‘it should be studied in high school instead of Romeo and Juliet’, and ‘it beats Titanic any day’,” you finished for her, having heard this mantra from her before.  Kaori laughed as she came out from her dressing room.  As Kairi paid for the clothes Selphie carried on talking about the most recent romance movie she’d seen.  In your opinion, it sounded exactly like all the others she loved.

  After coming to Destiny Islands, your view on life had changed a lot.  Being in a peaceful world with your sister, great friends, and an amazing boyfriend had definitely had an impact on you.  Of course, you wished your parents could be here too, and Ryu and your best friends.  But after the whole near-death incident in your 'in-between coma', you knew you'd see them again in another life.  So for now, you had focused on making the best of life, and, thanks to Riku, you had learned to trust people again.

  All this had also changed your attitude.  Out of habit, you still made sarcastic comments quite often, but your bitter attitude had faded completely.  Well, almost.  Now you were in your second year at Destiny Islands College studying to be a guidance counselor, while Riku was studying marine biology.

  And, yes, Kaori and Roxas were still going out.

  “NOW LET’S GO GET SHOES!” Selphie suddenly yelled, running out of the store, pulling Kaori along with her.

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