Key To My Heart ~ Chapter 16

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  “Here it is!” Simba said presently.  To your surprise, instead of a small spot patch of grass, there was a large clearing.

  Riku looked around expectantly.  “So…where’s the key?”

  “Look.” Kairi pointed to a bush nearby.  “Why would there be rose petals out here?”

  “Marluxia!” Roxas said automatically.

  “Then where is he?” Sora asked.

  Walking up to the petals, you took a closer look at them, then groaned.  “You’ve got to be kidding me.”

  “What? What’s the matter?” Sora asked.

  “Just look at this,” you sighed.  “He’s left us a freakin’ trail to follow.”


  “Are we there yet?” Sora asked you, since you and Riku were leading the group while following the trail.

  “No,” you answered distractedly, focusing on the path of petals.  ‘When I get my hands on Flower Boy, he’s gonna wish he’d never tried crossing paths with me,’ you thought angrily, remembering how brutally he’d dragged Kaori into that portal, pulling her fur and shaking her roughly…

  “Are we there yet?” Sora asked again after a moment.


  “…Are we there yet?”


  “…Are we there yet?”


  “…Are we there yet?”




  “Bitchy whore,” he muttered.  Everyone turned to stare at him, then Roxas and Kairi started laughing.  “What?”

  Roxas grinned.  “I didn’t even know ‘bitch’ and ‘whore’ were in your vocabulary,” he said.

  “Yay!  He actually knows what an insult is!” you fake-cheered.

  “Well, now you’ve proved it, Maryx,” Riku said, “you’re actually so irritating you can make Sora swear.”

  “Oh, shut up, Riku.”  You hit him on the arm.

  He stopped suddenly, and Simba nearly walked into him.  “Trail’s ended,” he said, looking around.

  “About time!” Sora declared.  “Is Marluxia here?”

  You tilted you head up to look at the sky, then blinked at rose petals fell in your face.  “Oh look, it’s raining gay-boy petals.”

  “Excuse me?” Marluxia asked, descending slowly to the ground.  “You’re assuming that I am gay?”

  “’Cuz you fight with flowers!” Sora and Roxas blurted before bursting out laughing.

  Marluxia glared at Roxas.  “I’m surprised, Roxas,” he snapped.  “You never would have dared insult me some time ago.  You’re only Number XIII.”

  “I’m not in the Organization any more, Marluxia,” Roxas shot back.  “You can’t pull rank on me.”

  “Nevertheless,” he said, summoning his scythe, “my power far surpasses yours.”

Key To My Heart ~ A Riku Story (Kingdom Hearts)Where stories live. Discover now