Key To My Heart ~ Chapter 19

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Disclaimer: About time I did one of these...*ahem* I do not own Kingdom Hearts. Disney and Square Enix do. If I owned it, Sephiroth would be WAY easier to beat, I would be able to buy a 3DS to play Dream Drop Distance, and all the hot guys would be topless (meaning Xehanort's Heartless would have to button his shirt up xD)

WARNING: Mature content starting on page 5 (about 3/4 of the way through on the app). It's fairly short, and it doesn't go far. I will put a warning for where it starts and ends.


"That can't be true!" Kaori cried.

"Don't tell me, tell the King," you said.

To you dismay she started crying. "It can't happen! It just can't!"

"Kaori..." You got up to hug her, but she pushed you away and ran out of the room. "I'll go talk to her," Roxas said, surprising you.

Riku jumped up as Roxas left and jabbed new coordinates into the control panel. The Gummi Ship stopped and then swung around, zooming to a new course. "Riku, what are you doing?" you asked.

"Going to Disney Castle," he said. "There's got to be something he missed."

"But he said he's gone through everything..."

"And there's still a chance he missed something!" he said fiercely.

"He's right, there must be some sort of way to make those odds better," Kairi said.

"We're not letting you take that risk unless we're certain there isn't another option," Sora stated.

Seeing that they weren't going to be swayed, you sat back down in defeat. "Fine then. The King will help us sort this out."


*Twenty hours later*

"Donald! Goofy!" Sora ran up to the dog and that all-too-familiar duck in the Castle's garden and glomped them.

"Sora! What are you doing here?" Donald quacked.

Quietly, you groaned and hit your forehead. "God spare me, not the duck..."

"What's the matter?" Riku asked.

"Him." You pointed at Donald, who was yakking away at Sora. "He really, utterly, completely hates me."

He, Kairi, Kaori, and Roxas laughed loudly. After Kaori had started crying about the later the day before and Roxas went to comfort her, you had been very worried about your sister. Then, after about half an hour, you went to see how she was.

And she was making out with Roxas.

They had stopped and looked guilty when you walked in, but you just laughed. "Break her heart, and I'll break your face, Roxas," you smiled cheerfully before leaving. Outside the door you almost shuddered. 'That was so cliché it was creepy,' you thought, thinking of when you and Riku kissed at the Beast's Castle.

The other three turned around to see what was happening. "YOU!" Donald yelled, snapping you out of your flashback.

You groaned again and rolled your eyes. "Nice to see you too, Donald."

"So, you two don't like each other, huh?" Sora said.

"Nope," you smiled. "Ever since I defenestrated him."

"What does that mean?" Kairi asked.

"I threw him out a window," you replied. Everyone but Donald laughed.

"Good to see ya again Maryx, a-hyuk!" Goofy greeted you.

"You too, Goofy!" You cheered up instantly. Everybody except, once again, Donald stared at you in amazement and shock. "What?"

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