29| Cooking Breakfast

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"Damn! Why can't I fix this?!" Yuu growled while trying to fix his messed hair. "stop going to bed with wet hair."

Kimizuki snorted as Yuu continued to growl, him and the boys were walking up to the place where the girls at.

Then an albino haired girl who ran with a great speed, opened the doors as she entered the place. "Made it~!"

"Shiro?" Yuu said as he saw her panting heavily. "g-good morning, everyone." the good-natured girl greeted the three males with a smile.

"Good morning, Shiro-san." Yoichi politely greeted back.

"Huh? I thought your with the girls who are about to make breakfast?" Kimizuki raised an eyebrow, confused.

Shiro scratched the back of her head while smiling sheepishly, "I woke up late, so I wasn't able to be in time."

"You have to sleep early." Yoichi advised as he noticed she has eye bags, "I'm sorry..."

"Shinoa and Mitsuba are now the ones who will do the cooking, right?" Yuu asked the pink haired boy.

"Will they even succeed in cooking our breakfast?" Kimizuki huffed.

"I'm sure it'll be fine. It's two girls." the brown haired fellow chirped as he walked upstairs.

"Yuu...your hair." Shiro said as she saw his hair sticking up, he blushed.

"S-Shut up! I can't fix it!" he stuttered while trying to cover the bright crimson blush across his face.

"Want me to fix it for you?" she offered. "You can?!" he yelled.

She smiled as she nodded, then he signalled for her to continue. Shiro's fingers touched his slick black hair and fixed it like the usual.

"Was your hair wet last time when you fall asleep?" she asked as he nodded.

"No wonder its like this." Shiro sighed as she continued to fix his hair.

"S-Shut up..." Yuu muttered while blushing, he was embarrassed of his visible bed hair. "done~"

Her hands left his black hair as she smiled after looking at his hair. "It doesn't look bad, does it?"

"Nope. It looks great." she said, then she grabbed his glove hand and pulled him with her. "Let's chase the others!"

They ran upstairs to reach Kimizuki and Yoichi who were at the lead, once they reached the floor, she dropped his hand. "say, where are the others?"

"Room three." Yoichi answered Yuu's question as he nodded in reply.

"KYAAAAH~!" they heard two female voices in chorus as the others walked up to where the sound is at.

"Are you guys alright?!" Yuu asked as he stopped and saw the scene in front of him while calming down.

"You're burning it! Exactly how can you burn an omelet?!"

"I read in a book that alcohol makes it taste better, too!"

Shinoa and Mitsuba argued with each other about the burned omelet, then Shiro walked up to them and started to cook decent meals.

"I-I'll do the cooking, so please calm down!" she calmly said to the paranoid girls.

Few moments later, Shinoa and Mitsuba watched the white haired girl cook alone. "I'll help you too, Shiro."

"That will be helpful, Kimizuki-kun." she answered as he pitched in cooking breakfast.

Both of them cooked the meals as the others watched them nonchalantly, the two of them worked with each other fluidly. "can you please pass me the salt near you?" she asked.

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