30| Pinky Swear

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"I'm going to stick with Guren, he said that we're a family. You guys are important to me, but I can't forget about Mika either, he's also an important family member..."

Shinoa smiled, "so we've reached our conclusion: defend your family. I would've never thought we'd go such a tactic in a world like this. But we'll go with that and fight!"

"I like that tactic!" Shiro chirped as Mitsuba nodded.

"Now that's clear..." Shinoa started as she grabbed a letter from her pockets, bringing it out and showing it to her teammates.

"We'll be going to Nagoya tommorow, so please be ready." she announced to them as the rest nodded. "So, we'll use the rest of the day...doing nothing! Please do whatever you want~"

Just like our squad leader said, we used the rest of the day leisurely resting and chattering. Lazing out.

>>Time Skip>>

The day came to an end as the night surrounded the atmosphere while the stars were glimmering at the starry skies up above. "It's been awhile since I had rested this peacefully..."

Saying that to no one particular, but to myself. Looking up to the sky against the glass window, all I saw was a sky filled with infinite numbers of stars.

"I have to agree with that..." I turned my head, and saw Shiro in her pyjamas as she walked up to me.

"What? You're still awake...?" I asked as she yawned. "yeah, about to go to bed shortly afterwards."

"I see." I replied as she finally reached my side, both of us looked up and started stargazing leisurely.

Both of us shared the silence, it was not awkward, they're was never an awkward moment between us...

...Except that one incident. The memory of me forcing to kiss Shiro, made my cheeks burned bright red.

"Hey, Shiro." I started while rubbing my neck, she turned to me. "yes?"

"A-About the incident before...sorry about that." I stuttered.

"I-It's fine...it's all in the p-past now!" she stated nervously. I turned my head away, mortified of my previous actions that I found embarrassing.

'I shouldn't have brought the topic up. Now, it's awkward...' I mentally cursed myself as I sighed.

"Don't let out such an depressing sigh, Yuu. It's a bad omen." she told me. "Huh? Why not?"

"Don't you know when you're sighing, you're letting a little bit of happiness escape?" she interjected.

"So what?" I grumped.

"So please smile. I like you more when you're smiling!" she let out an innocent smile, I blushed.

'Seriously...this girl.' I thought of how happy-go-lucky this girl can be.

Then I stretched my lips as it curved in a smile, "like this?"

"Nope! Don't force it." she pouted. Once more, I let out another smile.

She clasped her hands as she let out a smile, "that's it! You finally get it."

"R-Really?" I lightly scratched my cheek as she nodded. "Yes!"

"So smile forever, okay?"

"Yeah, sure...whatever."

She let out a soft chuckle, "that's good." 'what's so good about making me smile when that's suppose to be my job, blockhead?' I thought.

She grabbed both of my hands as her soft crimson eyes looked in my sharp green eyes, she smiled.

"I'll never leave your side, no matter what. I promise, Yuu!" she vowed.

I blushed furiously, "w-what's with you, Shiro...?" I stuttered.

"I can't risk losing you or my friends, that's why I'll protect you all!" the grip on my hands tightened. "you can count on that."

My eyes softened as I freed my hands and patted her head. "yeah. You protect me, and I'll protect you. Sounds fair?" I asked.

Shiro giggled, "Yes."

"The two of us will survive till the end, okay?" she said as I nodded, then she lets out a pinky as I looked at her confused.

"Pinky swear!" she pouted as I nodded while wrapping my pinky on hers.

"Pinky swear." I answered as the pout on her face was replaced by a smile.

"If you tell a lie, swallow 1000 needles and cut I'll cut your finger~" she sung gleefully as I grinned.

"Swallow 1000 needles? Isn't that over the top?" I asked with a matching laugh. "plus cutting my finger?"

"It's just a figure of speech," she answered. "but please don't die."

I let out a laugh as I unwrapped my finger with hers, she looked at me, confused. Then my lips curved in a perfect smile.

"I'm not going to die, because I'm the one who will protect you."

Shiro nodded. "yes!"


The rest of the night, we sat on the coach while a big blanket covering us as we began chattering. It was like back then when we were kids, the same old days.

Laughing at each other's lame joke while drinking a cup of milk. Sounds fun with someone, right? Especially with someone who your attracted with.

"And then that damn Kimizuki said, you're doing it wrong! We both know that I'm right, no?" I ranted.

"Yes, but sometimes do listen to Kimizuki-kun. He's concern to you." she laughed.

"Tsk. Him? Concern?" I growled.

"Of course he is, after all—we're comrades, aren't we?" she grinned.

'Comrades...huh?' I thought with a smile on my face. "yeah..."

Shiro let out a yawn, "you tired?" I asked as she nodded. She nuzzled closely in the blanket for warmth.

"I'll go to sleep." she whispered while her eyes closed. "sure."

"Goodnight, Yuu."


Few silences passed by, then I felt her cheek pressed on my shoulder as I looked around and saw her fast asleep. 'She's a fast sleeper...'

I never noticed that her eyelashes was this long, nor how glossy her snowy, white hair was. Out of habit, I leaned towards her as I pecked her forehead.

I smiled as my lips touched her forehead that was covered with bangs, I leaned back as my longs fingers trailed in her soft locks.

"I'll be the one who will protect that innocent smile of yours, Shiro..."

To be Continued...

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