45| Abort the Mission

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"Guren said that there's be choppers for us to escape in." Goshi reported to Shinya while witnessing that the airport's planes were all destroyed.

"What should we do? The vampires are behind us. If we don't do something..." Akaru trailed off.

"Major General Shinya, the directive from the flight control room." Mito says as she handed the white haired man an peculiar letter.

Japanese Imperial Demon Army

Was printed on the letter as he unfolded the paper revealing a message, after reading it, he began to fold the paper once again.

"What does the Directive says?" Goshi asked.

"It says that we should stand by." Shinya replied after tucking the letter in the pocket of his pants.

"What?!" Akaru exclaimed.

A huge slap pierced the solemn air as the other people with cursed gears looked to where the sound came from and saw Rika slapping Shinoa's cheek leaving a red hand on her cheek.

"You! Why are you still alive?!" the dirty blonde haired shrieked while gripping on the lilac haired girl's collar and glaring at her.

"Hey! Stop that!" Kimizuki yelled, he was about to go in between the two when Shinoa signalled him to stop.

"Yayoi, Kagiyama, everyone's dead because of you! So why are you still alive and kicking?!" she yelled.

"Because of you, because of you..." Rika was in the verge of tearing up while gnashing her teeth.

"I'm sorry." Shinoa apologised without her feelings in it.

"If you're gonna apologise, pay for it with your life!" she unscathed her blade and pointed it to her neck.

"If you're gonna apologise so easily...give me back...my friends."

Tears streamed down her cheeks as she began to tremble while holding her blade while trying to kill her with hesitance.

"Rika. Calm down a little, I'll take it from here." Akaru calmly says while tapping on her shoulder.

Narumi grabbed her weapon away as he helped her stand up on her own feet while feeling so weary and tired.

"But Akaru!" she exclaimed.

"I'm not going to forgive them, I said that I'll take it from here." he says darkly while shadows casted upon his eyes as he grabbed his sword.

"Stop it, Akaru. That's not your job." Shinya says with complete composure and was able to calm down.

Akaru turned to him. "Then will you punish then for siding with a vampire on the battlefield?"

"It isn't your job to decided if they get punish either—"

"Then what will you be doing for us?! We followed your orders and came this far. We lost our comrades and our commander, but moved forward without looking back!"

Everyone was silenced from his rage who was yelling loudly on top of his voice, then he huffed.

"And look where it got us. Moreover, the top's order is to stand by. Are you telling us to die out here?!" he finished as Shinya walked away.

"Escape with the chopper and lure the vampires to the trap-zone, Shinjuku. That was supposed to be our mission, but it wasn't Guren that came up with it...do you know who?" he says.

Akaru thought about it for a moment as an answer appeared in his head, he gritted his teeth while clenching his fist before answering.

"It's Lieutenant General Hiragi Kureto, isn't it?"

Shinya sighed. "Sadly, yeah."

"I'm sick of it..." someone myttered as they turned around and saw a brown haired boy clenching his fists while trembling in anger.

"Narumi? What's up?" Akaru asked as he was confused of his behavior.

"I'm sick of the Hiragi family abusing their power and just giving out orders! We're abandoning this mission!" Narumi yelled while in rage.

"Shut up, Narumi. You're the one who said to listen to your—"

"You're the one who should shut up!" he snapped while grabbing his collar and glaring at his eyes angrily.

"Hey Narumi, what are you planning to do?" the red head asked as he didn't paid him attention.

"We, the Demon Company, will head back to rescue Lieutenant Colonel Ichinose." he huffed as he started walking away on his own.

"We should go too, Sayuri." Shigure says to the brunette beside her.

"If it isn't Lieutenant Colonel Guren's mission, we don't have to follow it." she reasoned out as the other girl nodded from her proposal.

"Goodbye, Goshi-san, Mito-san, Shinya-san." she said before lifting her heel to walk away.

"W-Wait a minute, Shigure-san! Sayuri-san!" Mito says as her teammates were walking away.

"What should we do, Shinoa? Should we also...?" Mitsuba asked as she looked at the lilac coloured haired girl who was staring at Shinya.

Then the man decided an absurd plan as he went to chase Narumi. "Wait up, Narumi! Hey!"

The brown haired boy turned around with an irritated expression written on his face. "What now?"

"I'm trying to say, let's abort the mission together!" Shinya says.

Everyone was surprised as they kept quiet and stared at the commander with them who was all beaten up.

"We're going to ignore the orders from the top. The Demon Company will reassemble and go on mission to rescue Ichinose Guren!"

Everyone had an happy reaction from his statement as everyone agreed with no disapproval.

"You heard him, everyone. Let's hurry up and get to work to save Lieutenant Colonel Ichinose Guren!" Shinoa says giddily as everyone nodded.

Meanwhile, the noble vampires were walking downtown as they passed through the many corpses of both humans and vampires. Crowley was humming while seeing an magnificent sight that perked up his interest.

"This fight was quite something." he coed before looking at the vampire companions with him who was being ruled by Krul Tepes.

Then he saw another vampire in his caliber threw a punch on the human's commander, Guren was pushed back on the ground by the punch that surely packed a wallop on his cheek.

"Your plans. Spill them already." the vampire snarled.

Guren smirked, "Then try hard—"

The vampire stomped his foot on his face angrily, then an mysterious character whose face was still unknown as their were cloaks covering his face.

"It's Krul-sama's order to not kill him." he says.

'It hurts and I'm tired. But the intel I leak will be more credible if I take a bit more of a beating.' Guren thought as the lain began to penetrate.

'I need to somehow get them to Shinjuku.' he thought.

The vampire grabbed a full fist of his black locks as he smirked. "It's too early for a nap." he punched him once again, poor Guren.

Crowley looked down on the hole on his chest that was already healed and the heart was attached in him again, he gripped his chest before smirking as he remembered the girl who stole his heart.

'I want to fight with that human again, that dreamlike fight...it was superb.'

To be Continued...

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