Chapter 2

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When I wake up the first thing I smell is alcohol. Everyday I wake up it's the first thing I smell. When my mom was still here I remember I would wake up to the smell of waffles and I would hear my parents laughing. I run to the bathroom and take a quick shower then brush my teeth. When looking in the mirror I see the bruises from last nights beating. Quickly I put on makeup (I hate having to wear makeup) to cover the bruises and make my way downstairs to make my father breakfast. I finish the eggs, bacon, and sausage as soon as he slowly makes his way down the stairs. "You ungrateful bitch", he slurs. I can tell he's hung over. Saying nothing I walk over to pour him a cup of coffee. I set it down next to him as he looks at me with disgust. "Didn't I tell your stupid ass no more coffee?!!!" Shit. I flinch and mentally cuss myself out. How in the hell could I forget that. He picks up the cup and throws it at the wall. Hot coffee flies everywhere, the glass hits the cabinet and the pieces fall to the floor. "When I get home this shit better be cleaned up. Do you hear me you fucktard!!" "Yes sir", I say quietly. I grab my bag and head to my car. I know what your thinking. That bastard actually bought you a car? No. I saved up all my money for 2 years and used a little money my mom left for me and bought my  baby. His name is Trevor and he's my four door black Chevy truck. Crazy right? A tiny shy nerdy chick like me driving this huge black truck. I get into Trevor and make my way to school. Really it's not even a school it's hell literally. As hot as it is here you might as well call it hell. I turn on my radio and my CD plays. I skip to the 3rd track and one of my favourite songs by Panic! At The Disco comes on....... Emperors New Clothes. I immediately turn it up and start singing.

Welcome to the end of eras
Ice has melted back to ice
Done my time and served my sentence
Dress me up and watch me die
If it feels good, tastes good
It must be mine 
Dynasty decapitated
You just might see a ghost tonight

And if you don't know now you know

I'm taking back the crown
I'm all dressed up and naked
I see what's mine and take it
Finders keepers, losers weepers
Ohhhhh yeaaaaah
The crown
So close I can taste it
I see what's mine and take it
Finders keepers, losers weepers
Ohhhhhh yeaaaaaah

And with that note I pull up into the school. I park Trevor in the same spot I always do. Reaching over I grab my bag and step out. As soon as I step out I hear the insults coming from my classmates. "What a nerd." "She's such a geek." "Why does she even go here?" "I wonder what she had to do to get a truck like that." "I bet she's a whore." Whore eh? Says the slut who slept with half the school. But anyway that's none of my business. I laugh at myself as I walk up the steps and enter the school. As I'm walking to my locker I start to zone out until someone runs into me and I fall to the floor hard dropping all my things. I don't even have to look up to know who it was. The schools most popular girl and biggest slut. Nicole Weatherby. "Whoops I guess I didn't see that piece of trash lying there. Well now it's where it belongs." Her and her gang of slutbags laugh and walk away. I don't even try to hold back my tears as the bell rings for first period. I'm scrambling to pick my things. One voice in my head says it's okay stay strong and carry on. Another says why are even here? Just run home and kill yourself. While another says now we both know you could've beaten her little scrawny ass. I continue to pick my things up and someone bends down to help me. When I look up my heart drops and my eyes get huge...

Hiiiiiiioo whale I hopes you liked it. Feel free to like and comment pwease. Once again if ass is being sucked here I apologise this is my first and I'm trying. Any constructive criticism is welcomed. 😁😘😘. Byeeeeeee 👋🏽👋🏽👋🏽

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