Chapter 15

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(Back to Jordan's Perspective)

We're back at his house and I'm sitting at the kitchens booth table. "What would you like J?" "Ummm.... That's a hand decision there are sooo many things I love and really just all food period." "Well" he said. "LASANGA!!" I screamed scaring him a little bit enough to make him jump. "Jesus J." I started to laugh uncontrollably. "Sorry...... Ryan.... I didn't..... Mean to.... Scare you." I said laughed between almost all my words. I laughed to hard that I fell on the floor. I kept laughing and even Ryan joined me in laughing. But stopped almost immediately and ran over to my side. "Are you okay Jordan?" He said with concern. "Yes I'm fine Ryan geez just help me up" I said laughing. "Alright you" I said, "chop chop start making my lasagna." "Yes Master whatever you want Master" Ryan said in a creepy voice getting another good laugh out of me. He just finished putting his last batch of cheese on the lasagna and put it in the oven. He pulled out his phone and put on a timer then grabbed my hand and ran upstairs. We got to his room and bounced on his bed. "Hey Ryan. I just thought of something." "Yeah?" He asked. "Where are your parents?" "Ahh yes my wonderful and loving parents. Well they went on a cruise. Yes it's true they went on a cruise and left their most important item." "I wonder what that could be?" I asked messing with him. "Well Ms. Sarcasm that would be me. But you know what I'm glad they did. Because now I can spend more time with you." I blushed at the thought of spending all this with Ryan alone. "So m'lady what would thou likest to watch on thous television?" "Hmmmm.... How about Criminal Minds." "Anything for you J." "I mean come on who could resist that sexy God of a man Morgan. I wouldn't mind him calling me BabyGirl anytime of morning, day, or night" I said smirking. But when I looked at Ryan I noticed he was pouting. He started Criminal Minds and we were 22 minutes into it. That's when I jumped on top of him scaring the shit out of him again and I ended up laughing my ass off once again. I stopped laughing and remembered I was straddling his waist. I couldn't move and honestly I didn't want to. When I tried to move I saw his face twitch and I felt his member harden in between my thighs. This instantly turned me on I started to grind against him. He put his hands on my waist and I leaned down and started a hot and steamy make out session. Ryan had rolling us over and he was on top. He leaned down and began kissing and sucking on my neck. I knew he was going to leave hickeys everywhere but I honestly didn't mind because I felt like I was in heaven. "Ryan" I moaned out. I felt him get harder above me and he started to get rougher with kissing my neck but I didn't complain because my body was on fire. It felt so good the only thing I could do was run my hands through his hair and moan is name over and over. I grabbed the bottom of his shirt and pulled it off his head within seconds. My hands began to roam his beautiful chest and 6 pack. He began to moan as I slid my hand down his chest and towards the bulge in his pants. We stopped for one second and looked at each other. We both looked like a hot mess and we both were definitely hot and bothered. I removed himself from above me and I sat up. "I'm so sorry Ryan I don't know what came over me", I said as I tried to straighten my hair up. He grabbed my face gently and pulled me in for a sweet kiss. "Don't ever apologise for something like that J." His phone alarm went off telling us both the lasagna was done. We ran downstairs and took it out of the oven. "Oh my GAWWWD Ryan that looks amazing." I got myself a big slice and dove in taking in ever flavour. "You wanna know my favourite thing about this?" I asked him. "The cheese. The cheese is always the best part." After we were finished eating we went back upstairs. I changed into one of Ryan's shirts and some shorts while Ryan only wore basketball shorts. We got into his bed and I cuddled up next to him. "I don't ever want to leave this spot", I mumbled. And before I drifted off to sleep I was sure I heard him say "Then don't baby girl, stay with me forever."


Hioooooo please comment something I really wanna know what you guys think. Sorry it's been to long.

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