Chapter 18

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These two pictures are what the library looks like

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These two pictures are what the library looks like.

Ryan sat at the computer desks while I walked down the aisles looking at about books Rome, Italy. I find 3 books filled with many different facts about Rome but I continue to search hoping to find a few more. "You little bitch." I turned around and see none other than Nicole. "Nicole what do you what? You've been tormenting me enough. What the hell do to want from me?!" She took a step back looking completely surprised to hear that from me and came back with a frown. "Don't play stupid with me you pathetic piece of shit. You know exactly what I want. I want Ryan and I want him now so you better back the fuck up before I really make you life miserable." She expected me to tuck my tail between my legs and obey but I'm done being ran over. I began to walk towards her, "Listen here Nicole. I don't give two fucks, wait actually I give zero fucks about what you want. Ryan obviously doesn't want you. He's with me and he makes me happy and I make him happy. Leave me the hell alone you evil bitch. And besides you don't even know what a miserable life is like. No matter what you do you could never make my life as miserable as it used to be. So how you back the fuck up and LEAVE ME THE HELL ALONE!!!" I turned around and walked away with a proud smile on my face while she stood there with a pale face and then fixed herself and walked away. I kept looking and found 3 more I decided that was enough and I walked over to find Ryan. When I turned the corner I saw Nicole standing behind him rubbing his shoulders and bent down whispering in his ear. Instead of running over and ripping her away from him I just stood there and watched to see what he would do. He stood up immediately looking pissed and whispered something in her ear and she ran off. I walked over to him as soon as she was gone and pulled him deep into the shelves made sure no one was around us. "Ryan look at me and calm down." I put my hand on his cheek then he sighed and relaxed. "What happened?" I asked him. "She walked up behind and started rubbing my shoulders. I told her to stop and she didn't. Then she bend down and whispered in my ear ; "I can make you feel so much better than that nerdy bitch ever could". I was pissed hell I was beyond pissed. First off I didn't want her nasty hands on me and nobody talks about my girl like that." I blushed when he called me his girl. "So I stood up and whispered in her ear ; "If I ever see around us and hear that you've said or done something to her I swear to god you will regret it for the rest of your fucking life." And that's when she ran away. I looked up at Ryan and smiled. I stood up on my tippy toes and kissed him hard but with passion. It soon turned into a heated make out session and he pushed me against the back shelf. I moaned softly and that turned him on even more. He slipped his tongue in my mouth and grabbed my hips roughly. But I didn't mind any of it because of how good he made me feel. He put his hand up my shirt and brought it up to my breast. Just as he was about to grab it and pulled out of the kiss. "I'm sorry J I got to into the moment." I smirked and looked down. "I can tell you enjoyed it." He looked down and quickly grabbed a big book to put over his bulge. I laughed so hard and loud but the loudness didn't last long because I got shushed from someone a few shelves over. "Sorry" I whispered. I looked back to Ryan and giggled quietly. I handed him one of our books while he put the other book back. I fixed his hair my own and we walked out from the shelves. I went to the computer he was at and printed out everything he found plus a few things I found. We walked over to the librarian and checked out our books. We got permission to go home since that was the only class we had to be at school for. We walked out the school building and down the steps. I laughed the whole way out. Why you ask? Because Ryan still had a book covered his bulge.


Soooooo sorry. My birthday was the 25th and my friends was the 26 and I left for camp on the 27th and didn't get back until the 1st and we had terrible service up there. But anywayssss 😘😋

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