Chapter 5

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Before you start reading this I want you to if you are uncomfortable with certain things I would advise you skip this chapter.

"NO!! STOP!!! PLEASE DON'T DO THIS I'M BEGGING YOU!!!" "Beg beg beg all you want little J. The more you beg the more this'll feel better for us." As they both walked towards me I tried to jump out of my bed but they held me down. "YOU SICK FUCKING BASTARDS GET OFF OF ME!!!!" I cried I screamed I yelled and I kicked them but no matter what I did nothing helped. "Aren't we rude company. We never introduced ourselves" the sick bastard said with a wicked grin. "I'm Caleb", the taller man said. "And I'm Seth", said the other man. "Well now that we all know each other lets get down to business shall we." "Seth hold her arms up." Seth violently grabbed my arms and yanked them above my head while Caleb spread my legs apart. At this point I was crying hysterically and was thinking this is it I'm going to die tonight. "Such a pretty little girl with a very pretty body but such a nasty mouth and attitude." He took his knife and cut my shirt and shorts off. "Now there's that slutty body. You know your a slut. An ungrateful, nasty, ugly, bitchy slut." Caleb took is knife and cut my bra, then took the knife and cut across my stomach. I cried out in pain knowing that nobody was going to come and save me. He ripped off my panties, put on a condom, then shoved himself into me violently. I screamed out in pain. "PLEASE!! NO!!! STOP PLEASE IM BEGGING YOU!!!!" No matter how loud I would scream he keep thrusting himself in and out in and out in and out. I give up. I stop screaming I stop struggling. My body goes limp and I look up and stare at my ceiling. He releases himself and pulls it out. He then switches places with Seth and he does the same. When he's done they both leave and I just lay there. I can't move I can barely breathe and I can't think. I just lay in my bed staring at the ceiling with no emotions tears start coming down my face. I don't know how but I use all the strength left in my body and I grab myself into my bathroom. I turn on my shower and the water is boiling hot but I can't feel anything. When I get out I put more clothes on and I take the ones that I was wearing before and threw them in my trash can and lit a match. Without hesitation I threw the match into the can and I watch my clothes burn. After I know they are ashes I put out the fire and I grab a blanket and I crawl into the couch in my room and somehow I fall asleep. I wished with all my heart that I wouldn't have any nightmares that night. And I didn't. I didn't dream of anything that night.


Fucking bastards 😭😭😭😭😭😭 I'm so sorry Jordan but I promise you will all see that she will get stronger because of this terrible thing.

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