Chapter 25

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Ryan's Perspective:

I was playing in Jordan's hair and listening to the officer when J scooted closer to me and fell asleep. I was glad she was sleeping she needed it especially at a time like this. "Thank you for coming so quickly." I told her. "It's my job." She said then she looked at Jordan's sleeping on my lap. "This girl is a fighter. She's been through so much and continues to go through this but she's strong. I know she'll make it. You are good for her stay with her and keep her safe. She's gonna need all the support and love she can get when these trials come up. She'll have to testify at all 3 trials." I looked down at my sleeping beauty. "I love her so much. And I'll be there with her every step of the way." Officer Becka stood up and shook my hand then walked out of the house then all of the officers left. I picked J up and carried her upstairs into our room. I laid her down softly than pulled the covers over her. I went back downstairs and got the groceries out of my truck and locked it. I put them all away and made sure the house was secure before I went back upstairs. I walked in our room and took my shirt, pants, and shoes off then got into bed. J immediately rolled over and cuddled against my chest. I kissed her forehead and checked my phone. It was 11:00pm so I went to sleep.

~4 hours later~

I woke up from J thrashing around in the bed and  was screaming. "J baby calm down its just me." I grabbed her arms gently and she opened her eyes. "R-Ryan." "Yes princess it's me." She began to cry again. "I'm sorry Ryan I had a nightmare about... Him." I cupped her cheek. "It's okay baby girl I'm here for you." She stopped crying and kissed me. "Thank you for everything." I smiled, "Anything for you princess." She laid back down and cuddled into my chest and we both went to sleep.

Back to Jordan's Perspective:

I woke up and it 10:30am. Ryan was still asleep laying next to me. I had a major migraine and needed to take a shower. I got out of bed quietly and walked over to my dresser and got some underwear, a pair of shorts, and a tank top. I walked to the bathroom and took a refreshing shower. I dried off and put my tampon in and finished getting dressed. I put my hair up in a bun and walked out. Ryan was still asleep so I went to grab my glasses, everything we've got for our project, my phone, and ear buds then went downstairs. I put on my Twenty One Pilots playlist and began working. I had calculated everything and was almost done. The only thing we had left to do was get our pictures on the poster board. I was getting our pictures together when I felt someone tap my shoulder. I took my ear buds out and turned around to see Ryan standing there wearing only boxers. And might I say he looked delicious. "Princess what are you doing?" "I woke up and you were asleep so I thought I'd get a head start on everything." "From the looks of it you finished everything" Ryan said pouting. "Actually I didn't. We still have to get the pictures on the board and get all of our prices together." "I'll do the prices and you can get the pictures" he said. He ran back upstairs and when he came down he was wearing sweats. And they were hanging dangerously low. I got see his v-line and the thing I was thinking about was licking it. Focus J. Right pictures. Ryan day sat down on the couch while I sat on the floor. He kept huffing and puffing about the prices while I had fun looking at all the pictures. "Ryan what the hell are you doing?" I asked giggling. "I'm trying to figure out these stupid prices." "Let me see the paper." Ryan handed me the papers and I started laughing even harder. "What's so funny?" "You grabbed the wrong paper dumb ass." After 10 minutes of laughing I gave him the right prices and he finished these without huffing or puffing. I had to admit though those prices were pretty hard to do. We finished everything and I slumped on the couch next to him tired. "We did it!" I said and put a fist in the air. I crawled onto Ryan's lap and straddled him and started playing with his hair running my fingers through it. "Hey Ryan?" I asked him. "Yes princess?" "Can you go get the cookies & creme ice cream and The Breakfast Club movie pretty please?" "Anything for you princess." I pressed my lips against Ryan's and he grabbed my ass causing me to gasp and he stuck his tongue in my mouth. I tugged on his hair softly as we made out on the couch. He left a trail of kisses down my chin onto my neck. He found my sweet spot and stayed there. Kissing, nibbling, and sucking. I leaned my head back and pulled his hair a little rougher this time. I moaned loudly. Shit this feels so good I thought. As much as I would love to continue this we can't because of my fucking period so we're practically teasing each other. I pushed Ryan back on the couch and put my forehead on his. "You know we have to stop." I said. He groaned and put his arms around my waist hugging me right. "Ugh yeah I know because of mother fucking nature." I laughed at his statement. I got off his lap and he went in the kitchen to get the ice cream. He came back and handed me the ice cream with a giant spoon. Then he put in the movie and sat back down next to me covering us both up with a blanket.


I absolutely love The Breakfast Club 💜💜💜

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