Chapter 26

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By the end of the movie I was laying across Ryan's lap crying. Ryan heard me sniffling and looked down. "Princess? What's wrong? Why are you crying?" "It's... It's just so beautiful. Everything and everyone. I mean come on have you seen Judd Nelson?? Especially in that movie I mean look at that smile. He was gorgeous." "I know right I'd love to be his friend anytime of the day" Ryan said getting up and swinging his hips and sticking his arm out. I died of laughter. This was one of many reasons why I loved Ryan. He can be extremely silly at times and I love that. "RYAAAAN!!" I screamed. He ran over to me looking worried. "Yes princess what happened?? What's wrong??" I stayed quiet for a dramatic pause and then I said, "Hiiiiii!" Ryan looked at me and squinted his eyes at me while I died of laughter again. "Can you please get me some Sunny D while I go to the John?" I asked him. "Anything for you princess." He said smiling. I ran into the bathroom and lucky me my period was over. I was always lucky to have an extremely short period. Well not all the time sometimes it's as short as 2 days and as long as 5 days which still isn't that bad. I cleaned up down there just to make sure and I was off. I came back into the living room wanting to play a game. Ryan brought me my Sunny D. "Hey babe?" I asked him. "Yes princess?" "Can you go get some strawberries for me please?" I asked batting my eyebrows. He went and got them while I grabbed a piece of paper and quickly wrote.

Ryan's Perspective:

I came back into the room expecting J to be in there but the only thing I found was a piece of paper. I picked it up and it said....

I want to play a game so go put the strawberries back up pwease. I'm going to hide somewhere in the house. I will leave clues lying around. I will leave pieces of my clothing lying around with sticky notes on them giving you clues to where I'm hiding. Good luck my Prince and my the odds be ever in your favor ;).....

This girl is amazing I thought. I went and put the strawberries back and looked around. There weren't any clues in the kitchen so I went into the dinning room. Under the table I found her shorts and a sticky note that said : You're getting cold my Prince. Go where you think things get hot. I thought of all the places where things get hot. The stove, the oven, the microwave, a shower, practically every room with a thermostat, and the dryer. Well she is very... Creative. So I went with dryer and shower. I went to check the dryer first. Inside was her shirt and a sticky note saying : Look at you my Prince getting smarter and smarter by the second. I chuckled and continued to read. You are getting hotter baby. To find the next clue go where clothes are often stored. Well it could either be a closet or a dresser. I walked to my room and opened the closet and on the floor laid her bra and a sticky note next to it : One more piece of clothing and I'm yours. The next and last piece of clothing is where you get clean and do you daily routine. Oh swizzle look at me I rhymed!! I laughed at her and headed towards the bathroom. I opened the door and turned the light on. I saw her panties laying on the floor and beside it the note said : I'm yours now so go back Prince. Go back? Go back where? I turn around and head back into the room to think about where I need to be going. And that's when I see a naked and very beautiful J laying on our bed.

Back to Jordan's Perspective :

I'm laying on the bed as Ryan walks back into the room and drops all my clothes. "You are so beautiful my princess." I blushed, "You think I'm beautiful?" I got up and walked over to Ryan as he looked at my back up and down lustfully. "You are the most gorgeous woman I've ever seen." I put my arms around Ryan's neck and stood on my tippy toes. I put my fingers through his hair and kissed him. He mumbled against my lips. "So I'm guessing this means your off you period?" I just looked at him and smiled. We begin to kiss again and puts his hands just under my ass and picks me up. My legs immediately wrap around his waist as starts to pull his shorts and boxes off than walks us over to the bed and lays us down. I can feel his friend pressed against my heated flower. He moaned as I grind against his friend. I grab his shirt and pull it off his head then he puts a condom on. He started kissing me down my chest to my breast. Licking, sucking and twirling my nipple in his mouth. While using his hand to massage my other breast. I moaned out in pleasure and arched my back letting him know that I loved what he was doing. I pushed him off of me and climbed on top of him. I put my hands on his chest and started grinding on him. Rolling my hips sliding up and down his length. Both of us are moaning and groaning with pleasure filling our bodies. I grabbed his member as grunting and closed his eyes. Slowly I put it in and took my time putting all of him in me. I moaned out as my body was reacting to all of him being inside me. Slowly I began moving up and down, up and down. I started rolling my hips while going up and down. Picking up speed I was turning into a moaning mess. Ryan put his hands on hips and began thrusting. His thrusting plus my rolling added so much more pleasure to the both of us. "R-Ryan..... I-I'm...." "Hold on princess." He grunts. "I-I-I c-can't hold on much longer" I moaned out. "Just a little longer" he says. I hold on as much as I can while he thrusts much harder. "Now" he barely gets out. I didn't wait a second after. As soon as he opened his mouth we came together. I screamed out a satisfying scream and moaned like I've never moaned before. What he just made me feel I've never felt before. When we came together somehow I kept rolling and he kept thrusting making our orgasm feel ever better and last longer. I collapsed on Ryan's chest panting, trying to catch my breath. I slowly pull myself off of his member still feeling the aftermath. I roll off of him as lay there trying to catch my breath. "That was amazing." We both said at the same time. I laughed and laid my leg on top of his and pulled the covers up to our waists. "I love you my princess." Ryan said as he kissed my forehead. "I'm the King. But I love you too my prince." I said as I kissed his lips. And soon we both drifted off into a peaceful sleep.



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Whale hiya there 👋🏽👋🏽

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