Chapter 7

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I've always loved coming to this place when I was a child. And the jukebox was always my favourite thing. We walked in and sat at the bar. "Look what we have here. It's little J." Said Janice. Janice is a waitress at the Diner and has been since I was little. Se would always bring me a surprise before we left. "Oh my gosh Janice I can't believe your still working here! I've missed you so much." I told her with excitement. "Of course I still work here this place is like my home. And I've missed you too Little J. How's your father?" She asked me. I didn't answer her question I only put my head down and she seemed to understand. "Oh I'm sorry dear, he's still having a hard time dealing with her death." Hard time? Hard time doesn't even come close to explaining it. "Yeah something like that" I said back. "So Little J and Little J's friend what can I do for you two?" "Janice this is Ryan. Ryan this is Janice." I introduced the two and they shook hands. "Ryan what will you be having then dear?" she asked him. "Umm I think I'll have the waffles, hash browns, sausage & biscuit, and some scrambled eggs with orange juice please." "Alrighty. And you J dear what would you like?" "I'll have the triple cheeseburger with pickles, lettuce, and mustard. Extra fries with salt please. And a side of mozzarella sticks with a Sprite please." "Coming right up kiddos." Janice winked at me and walked away to give the cook our order. When I looked at Ryan he was staring at me with his mouth wide open. "What?" I asked him "Do I have something on my face?" "No you don't. But I didn't expect for a 4'9 foot and 100 pound girl to order so much." "Oh that? That was nothing. And for your information sir I am 5' foot and I proudly weigh 125." He laughed and said "Well excuse me shorty." "Don't call me shorty!" I shouted at him. "Oh my bad shorty." I laughed and playfully punched him on the shoulder. What is happening to me? I'm not supposed to have feelings for someone like him. He popular and hot. I on the other hand am not hot nor am I popular. But I have to admit he's not as snobby as I thought he would be. Once we finished our food we headed to the library to work on our project. When we got there it was 5:30. So we spent the next 30 minutes trying to agree on a place. We finally agreed on Rome, Italy. We both did our own little research over everything there and by 6:00 we left. Ryan was walking me back to Trevor which is also where he parked his truck. "Thanks for everything today is was amazing." I said to him. "Anytime you need to talk or even if you just want to hang out don't hesitate to call or text me alright." "I won't Ryan." He walked over to me and hugged me around the waist. And I stood on tippy toes and wrapped my arms around his neck. When I touched him I felt the sparks. It just felt right like this was how everything was supposed to go. We both let go and just stared at each other. He started to run the back of his neck and just as I was about to get into Trevor he grabbed my arm. "Wait J. Are we gonna meet up at your house? To work on our project?" God no. Father would never allow that. "No!!" I said a little to quickly and loud. "Umm lets just meet at your house." I tried to say calmly. "Alright. Well I'll see you later J." "Bye Ryan." I got into Trevor and pulled off. On my way home I begin to cry. I didn't want this day to end. And I defiantly didn't want to leave Ryan. And I don't want to go back to that hell of a house. But here goes nothing.


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