Chapter 3

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When I looked up I couldn't believe who I saw. It was Ryan Wolf. The schools wonder boy. He was the star athlete and everyone adored him. "Are you okay?" He asked me. "Y-Yeah I'll be f-fine." I tried not to stutter, sometimes when I get nervous I tend to stutter. We sat there for a few seconds staring at each other. I blushed hard and looked down to grab my things. He chuckled and helped me pick everything up then handed me my things.  "I'm sorry about her she can be a bitch at times." "Oh really? I've never noticed." He laughed and turned his head looking at me. "You know you are pretty sassy. I wouldn't expect that from someone as quiet as you." I blushed again, "Well that's probably because you've never took the time to talk to me before." "And that was my mistake." I looked down and pushed up glasses up my nose. "I have to get to class." "Alright", he said. "Well I'll see you around sometime eh Jordan?" "Umm yeah sure see you later." I walked down the hall headed to my World Studies class. When I walked in all eyes were on me. My face felt like it was on fire as I head to my seat. "Is there a reason as to why you were late to my class Ms. Peace?" "No sir, I'm sorry Mr. Brown." "It's fine Jordan just don't let it happen again." He turned around and began to write our assignment on the board. I let out all the air I had sucked inside. After he was done writing out assignment I got out my textbook and began working. "Alright guys let me have you attention for a second please. This project is going to be a group project I'm splitting you up in pairs." Why God are you trying to kill me? I thought to myself. "Alright so let's see. Nicole and Sam." Shit how could I forgot I had this class with Nicole and Ryan. I must have spaced out because the next thing I hear is. "Jordan and Ryan." Shit. I snapped my head up so quick and Mr. Brown looked at me with a face of irritation. I put my head back down and zoned out everything. I came back in when he was finished pairing people up. Well at least Nicole's happy with her pair. The schools biggest slut and the schools biggest man whore paired together. It's a match made in heaven. I laughed to myself and out my attention back on Mr. Brown. "Okay so on this project you are going to pick a place, that you and your partner agree on, and plan a trip. You have to calculate all your costs, where your going to stay, how long your going to stay, how much money you take with you, everything." On the inside I am absolutely dying I've been waiting to do this project all damn year. The bell rings and it's time for second period. I grab all my things and walk out quickly. As I'm walking down the hall I hear the same insults I always do. "Bitch." "She just thinks she is so smart." "I bet she cuts herself." "What a freak." "I heard she was sleeping with Mr. Brown." "What a whore." Why do they say these things about me? I've never done anything to them or anyone. I'm trying to hold back all my tears but it's not working. I walk into my Spanish class and I ask Ms. Lopez if I can go to the bathroom. She says yes and I try not to run out of the room. My tears are now running down my face and I run to the bathroom. In the process I run into someone.. Again for the second time today. I prepare myself to get cussed out but I don't. I stand up and instead of being insulted or pushed down I feel someone lifting my chin up. When I look up its Ryan. How lucky am I? "Jordan what happened? Why are you crying?" "It's nothing really" I try to walk around him but he grabs my arm, I whence and he turns me around. At this point I know my markup is fucked up. Ryan starts to stare at me. And I just know that I'm busted. "Jordan what the hell happened? Why do you have bruises on your face? And why did you whence when I grabbed your arm?" Once again he grabbed both my arms and pulled both cardigan sleeves up. Cuts and bruises covered both. There wasn't a place on my arm that I haven't cut or that didn't have a bruise on them. I snatched my arms away from him and pulled my sleeves back down. Ryan looked up at me with tears in his eyes. Then those tears went away and the sadness was replaced with anger. "Who the hell did that to you Jordan?" I looked at the ground scared. "I'm sorry J. I didn't mean to scare you but please tell me something. Why do you have all those bruises? And why do you cut yourself?" I wanted to tell him. I wanted to so bad but I couldn't. Or at least not here. Quickly I turned around and started to run for the bathroom. He followed but left soon after. I quickly fixed my make up and calmed myself down. I walked back to my Spanish class. "Hola Jordan. Nice of you to join us again." She said with a smile. Ms. Lopez was one of my favourite teachers here. She understood that I was different and liked to keep to myself. So when we had group projects I was allowed to work by myself. "Sorry it took so long Ms. Lopez." "It's fine dear, have a seat." 35 minutes later the bell rang. For the rest of the day I zoned out. That was until I went to my last class which was Music Appreciation. Our music and arts program was just as big as the sports were. I put all my things down and grabbed my violin. Yes I play violin. I first learned how to at a very young age. My mother played and she taught me. It's like it was love at first sight, I've always had a passion for it. I bring it up to my chin and begin to play. I close my eyes and block everything and everyone in the world out. Because at this moment it was only me and my violin.


Hiiiiiooooo. My whole life I've always wanted to play violin. I think it's such a beautiful instrument. I plan on learning how to. When? I have no idea 😂😂. But anyways I hope you have a wonderful day lovelies. 💙

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