Chapter 22

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"THIS IS GOING TO BE AMAZING!!!" I screamed. And that's exactly what it was amazing. "Ryan lets get on the Farris wheel!!" Getting on the Farris wheel was the first ride we got on. And it was the best choice too. We got on and we were lucky enough to be the ones at the very top so we got to see everything. I made sure to take a picture with Ryan. I never wanted this moment to end. We got on sooooooo many roller coasters it was amazing. But Ryan on the other hand didn't think so.... To sum it up on our 4th roller coaster he got sick when we got off. And being the amazing girlfriend I am I stood there with him and rubbed his back. I told him we could do home but he insisted on staying. He said he loved seeing me this happy and giddy like a little kid and that nothing could take this moment away from him. So while I got on more roller coasters he stood to the side and watched making sure I was okay. I got on the 360. Which say would say is a ride invented to fuck you up. The ride went vertically spinning and the seats would spin in almost every way possible that you could think of. I got on and the only seat was next to this guy. So I went and sat down and strapped myself in. "Hi",he said, "My name is Cole. What's yours?" "Hi Cole I'm Jordan but most people call me J and no calls me JoJo anymore." "Well JoJo it's nice to meet you." "Yeah.. Same." I said as the ride was starting. We started spinning and I started laughing my ass off. I was having so much fun and surprisingly I didn't feel sick at all. "WHOAAAAA!!!" I screamed as we started to spin sideways and upside down. The ride was over and I got off looking for Ryan. I couldn't see him so I stood by the ride and waited. Cole walked up beside me and leaned forward to whisper in my ear. "How about we get out of here and give me some head and I might just eat you out?" He leaned back and smirked. I smiled my best fake smile and out my hands on his shoulders and just when he didn't expect it I kneed him hard in the crotch. He fell to the ground crying. "That's what you get you fucking perverted ass hole." I turned around and saw Ryan standing a few feet away laughing, holding 2 extra large rainbow snow cones.

Ryan's Perspective:

As soon as J got on the 360 I decided to go get a drink real quick. I walked over to one of the food stands and got in line. I thought I wanted a drink but instead I got 2 extra large rainbow snow cones. I walked back to the 360 and saw some guy standing next to Jordan. He leaned towards her and whispered something in her ear. I was pissed I was about to walk over when I saw J smiling at him. It broke my heart. She put her hands on his shoulders then kneed him hard in the dick & balls. I begin to laugh so hard that I thought I was gonna piss myself. She looked over at me and began to walk over.

Back to Jordan's :

"What's so funny Ryan?" "You just kneed that guy hella hard in the balls. I can feel the pain a little." And with that he stopped laughing. "Here J I got you a extra large rainbow snow cone." "OHH MYYY GOSHHH RYAN THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!" I said jumping up and down. I ate the snow cone in record time and when I was done my tongue looked like a rainbow exploded in it. "Oh and by the way Ryan baby. If you ever do anything to majorly piss off, what I did to that guy... I will do to you and don't think I won't." I winked at him and walked in front of him swaying my hips as he stood there looking kinda pale. But then he snapped out of it and when I turned around he was following my ass. Like literally he was staring it down following it. I got on every ride here at least once and when I got off the last ride it was 9:30 PM. To end the night Ryan suggested we get on the Farris wheel before we left. We walked over to it and got on stopping at the top again. I laid my head on Ryan's shoulder and sighed. "There is no other place I'd rather be right now than here with you." I blushed as Ryan said this to me. "Yeah I love you too, Nerd." I kissed Ryan and laid back on his shoulder. We took another picture before we started going down. We walked outside the fair and walked to his truck. Once inside we drove back to Ryan's place. Ryan pulled into the driveway and unlocked the door. I ran upstairs into his room as fast as could. Now it's time to put plan revenge into action.

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