Chapter 29

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After I was done packing I put my outfit for graduation out and hung it on the closet door. I changed into some shorts and a shirt and jumped into our bed. As soon as I was about to fall asleep Ryan comes in and jumps on top of me. "Ugg Ryan I swear if you don't get off me I will end your life." "Come onnn babe." He rolled off of me and laid next to me. I closed my eyes and felt Ryan get closer. I felt him breathing on my neck and tingles went down my spine. He pressed his lips against my neck and I shivered. He worked his way to my sweet spot and I began to moan.

"R-R-Ryan s-s-s-stop your parents are back and they are d-d-d-downstairs." "What was that princess?" I moaned. "I guess we'll just have to be quiet then won't we." Ryan got up and locked his door then came back and climbed on top of me. I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him. As we were kissing I lifted my ass and he pulled my shorts off and threw them across the room. I smiled into the kiss and Ryan started to kiss down my jaw to my neck. He began to nibble, suck, and kiss my sweet spot. I moaned and started to grind my flower against his bulge. He pulled his pants and boxers off and I ripped his shirt off literally. He grabbed my panties and ripped them off along with my shirt. I leaned up and unfastened my bra and threw it. I rolled us over so I was on top of Ryan. I leaned down to his ear, "Remember don't make a sound." I start to grind against member. He put his hands on my waist and slides me up and down his member. I lean my head back and bite my lip to stop my moan from escaping. Ryan flips us over and starts teasing me by taking his member and rubbing it against my flower. He puts the condom on and slowly he puts it in letting all of himself enter me. I bite my lip even harder than before containing my moan. I can taste the blood in my mouth then Ryan kisses me passionately. He pulls back and touches the lip that's bleeding and I wince. "Are you okay?" He asked me. "Y-Yeah" I said moaning "I bit my lip." "Ahhhh it feels so good." I said moaning in a whispered tone. Ryan only smiled and went back to thrusting. I could hear him trying to quiet his grunts. I started to roll my hips and move with him. "Faster" I said moaning but trying to be quiet. He thruster faster making sure not to have too much skin contact because of the clapping. I could feel it building up in my stomach. I put my hands over my mouth and came for what seemed like forever. My hands started over my mouth until I stopped moaning. Ryan then came and balled his fists up so hard that his knuckles turned white. He pulled out of me and threw away the condom then laid down next to me. I kissed his nose then cuddled next to him and we fell asleep in each other's arms.

I was sleeping peacefully when I heard a loud beeping. I heard my alarm clock going off like crazy but I hit the snooze button and rolled over. "Ryan baby get up." "No never" he mumbled. I grabbed his member and held it tightly. His eyes opened within a flash and he bit his lip. "J-J-J what are you doing?" "Remember what you told me last night" I said whispering in his ear. "I guess we better be quiet then." I smirked and went under the covers. "J seriously what are you...." I heard through the sheets. But before he could finish his sentence I put his member in my mouth and began to suck. I was bobbing my head up and down his length while massaging his balls with my hands. I began to go faster and I could feel him start to thrust himself in my mouth but I put my hands on his waist and I continued. He twitched in my mouth and I felt his warm cum hit the back of my throat. I swallowed all of it and licked him clean. When I came out Ryan was still shaking. "Now it's your turn to be quiet princess." I laid back on my bed and Ryan went under the covers and in between my legs. "Ahhhh my god." I moaned. His tongue was doing magic on my flower. I heard a knock on the door and my eyes got big but that didn't stop Ryan. He began to suck and lick hitting my spot every time. I covered my mouth and whimpered. "Are you okay in there?" "Yes ma'am" I said with a shaky voice. "I'm just really n-nervous." "Alright well were going out for a bit. We'll be back in an hour or so." "Alrighty." I kept my mouth covered when I heard her walk away and then I heard their car drive out the drive way. I moved my hands and screaming Ryan's name. "Jesus Ryan I swear if stop I'll kill you." He hummed against my flower and I grabbed the bed sheets. He found my spot and started sucking and licking like crazy. "AHHHHH RYAN!!" I screamed out as I came in his mouth. He licked all my juices and crawled out of the covers and laid on top of me. "I love you Jordan." "I love you too Ryan."

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