Chapter 11

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I woke in Ryan's arms and smiled at what happened the day before. I can't believe I actually met his parents. Shit. Parents. Father. My father. I jumped out of his bed and tripped landing on the floor hard. I cried out in pain and Ryan woke up and helped me back onto his bed. "J if you keep doing that your going to break all the bones in your body." "Yeah I know but I can't help it." I stood back up slowly then grabbed my bag and headed for his door. Ryan jumped up and grabbed my arm. "J where are you going?" I looked at the floor not knowing how he'd react to what I had to tell him. "I have to go home... It's amazing here it really is but I have to get back to my house." He looked at me with confusion in his eyes and on his face. "Why?" "I can't explain why I'm sorry I just have to go back." It took him a minute but he finally looked back at me. "Alright J. But if he lays one hand on you call me and I'll come get you." I smiled, "Alright R. I will I promise." I hugged him and walked out his room and down the stairs. As soon as I stepped outside I took a deep breath and got into Trevor. How did he get here? I got in and drove to my house. When I walked in it was a mess. There were broken beer bottles everywhere. And then I saw him. "Jordan where the hell have you been? Out working on corners I assume." I didn't say anything. I started to walk past him to go up to my room and that's when he punched me in the gut. I grabbed my stomach and bent over in pain. "That's what whores like you get when they don't follow the rules." He punched me again and I fell to the floor. He then started to kick me in the same spot as last time. And I knew for sure he had broken 2 more ribs. He stopped and turned around and started to throw up. That's when I used all the strength in my body and I got up and pushed him. He tripped and fell on the floor. I moved backwards expecting him to get up but he didn't. When he tripped he hit his head not hard but since he was drunk it was hard enough for him to pass out. I walked upstairs as fast as I could and began packing all my things. I got all my clothes into 2 suitcases. I grabbed a bag and threw my toothbrush, toothpaste, brush, razors, pads and tampons into it. I grabbed my shoes and put them into another bag. I made sure I made everything and I called Ryan. "Ryan?! Please I need your help. I should've listened. I should've stayed. Please come and get me I can't do this anymore. He's knocked out cold downstairs." "Jordan please call down I'm on my way." I hung up and waited, sitting on my bed I tried not to panic. About 5 minutes later I heard someone running up the stairs and opening my door. I snapped my head up to find Ryan. I ran over to him and hugged him like my life depended on it. He let go of me and picked up almost all of my bags and I grabbed the ones he couldn't get. We walked downstairs and stepped over my still out cold father. We put my bags in the back of his truck and drove off. We sat in complete silence. "Can we please go to the park?" He looked at me then back at the road. "Jordan we need to get you to the hospital and we need to call the police." I started to cry. "Please Ryan. I need to go to the park." "Alright J I'm sorry we can go to the park." "Thank you" I mumbled and back to silence we went. We finally go to the park and I went to my favourite bench in front of the water. We sat down and I begin to cry silently while staring at the water. "This was me and my mothers favourite bench in this whole park. We used to come here everyday in the summer and sit on this bench. We used to watch the water and all the little ducks that would swim in it. I miss her so much. More and more everyday. In the beginning I wasn't doing good about her death. But then I finally came to peace with it realising that she was up there in heaven resting peacefully. But my father.... He never came to peace with it. He started staying out all night and then he would come home drunk. Every night he'd come home and pass out on the couch. I would hear him sometimes you know. Crying himself to sleep. And one day he started putting all his anger towards me. He would tell and scream at me. Saying it was my fault all this happened. Calling me worthless, a bitch, slut, whore, and so many things. Then one day he just snapped and punched me. And ever since then he's been beating me day after day. Sometimes it's not that bad but sometimes it is." We sat there for a few more minutes and that's when I looked over at Ryan. He was looking at the ground crying. I reached over and wiped away is tears and he looked over at me. "Please don't cry over that Ryan. Yes it's been hard but I'm a fighter and I've been fighting this battle for a long time now." Ryan sat there for a minute then grabbed my face. I put my hands over his hands and I kissed him with everything I had I me. I felt the Sparks and the fireworks. There were so many emotions being put into the kiss from us both. Love, passion, and trust to name a few. We pulled apart and leaned our foreheads together. "Jordan Peace. I think I'm falling for you." I closed my eyes and a single tear rolled down my face. "I think I'm failing for you too Ryan Wolf." We opened our eyes and looked into each other eyes. "I promise I will never ever let anyone ever hurt you again J. Not for as long as we live and beyond that." I hugged him and cried into his shoulder. He pulled back, wiped my tears away, then stood up and put his hand out. I grabbed it and stood up. We walked hand in hand back to his truck and went straight to the hospital.


I wish all the amazing fictional guys were real. I wish life was like the movies sometimes. But then I think if it were like the movies there wouldn't be any surprises. In life we go through pain and sorrow. Love and hate. Passion and revenge. So many emotions that I think we all have to feel at least once in life in order for us to experience to full things in life.

"Oh Mrs. Potato Head tell me. Is it true that pain is beauty?" ~ Mrs. Potato Head by the beautiful and amazing Melanie Martinez.

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