Chapter 14

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In the beginning I had no idea where she was going but then it hit me the park. She pulled into the park with me right behind her. I got out of my truck and walked over to her. "Where are you going?" I asked. "When my mother was still alive we found a place here. A place only we knew about. It was our place. Sometimes when I would get bullied I wouldn't go home I would run here. And my mother would always know where to find me. I come here to think, to be alone, and to be myself really." She grabbed my hand and I followed her onto a path that led into the forest. We kept walking and we finally stopped. When I looked around I couldn't believe what I was seeing. It was like a fair, a carnival, whatever it was it was beautiful and amazing. "Come here I want to show you something" she said grabbing my arm and pulling me towards the Ferris wheel. She began to climb it. "Are you crazy?! You're going to fall and kill yourself." Apparently she thought it was funny because she began to laugh. "First of all I've been doing this since forever, second stop being a baby and get up here, and third I might be a little crazy." I shook my head and began climbing, following her all the way to the top. When I got there she helped into the seat and we look over LA. "Oh wow I can see everything from up here it's beautiful." She scooted closer to me and laid her beautiful head on my shoulder. "Thank you for showing me this. Really this place is amazing and I understand it was special to you and your mom. It really means a lot to me." She turned around and looked at me. "I feel like you've been one of the first guys in my life that I can really trust. After everything that's happened this past week I don't know if would've made it without you honestly." She looked down and started blushing. I looked at her and gently grabbed her chin turning her head to face mine. "I promise you you'll never have to worry about someone hurting you again. Because as long as I'm here I'm not going to let anybody harm you in any way. And I won't be leaving you any time soon so there's nothing to fear." She just looked at me for a second and a few tears ran down her face. "And there won't be any crying from you beautiful I promise. Unless they're happy tears then you can cry." I chuckled and she laughed a small but cute laugh. I grabbed her face and pulled her towards me. I rested my forehead on hers and looked into her eyes. "Jordan Peace you are one amazing and strong woman. You are smart, beautiful, kind, and nerdy", I paused to laugh, "and those aren't even half the reasons why I'm falling in love with you. You may think your fragile but you are stronger than you'd like to believe. I love how sassy you can be and your sarcasm is to die for. I love how interested you get into books it's absolutely adorable. And when you get nervous you start playing with you thumbs it's the cutest thing I've ever seen before. You may have thought nobody ever noticed throughout high school but you were wrong. I've had the biggest crush on you since 2nd grade. It may sound cliche but it's true. And whether you feel the same or not I will always be here no matter what to make sure nobody ever hurts you again. Whether it's your father, or a stranger, or some asshole at school. I promise you I won't let it happen." I looked up to see Jordan crying again. "It's okay Ryan" she smiled "these are my happy tears." I smiled and looked at her as if we were the only people left on earth. She grabbed my hand and leaned in towards me. I put my hands on her face and kissed her softly and sweetly. "Come on let's get back to my house so I can fix you something to eat." We climbed down, walked back into the park and drove back to my house.


If you don't mind if you are reading this can you please comment what you think about this so far. It would really mean a lot to me. 😊😊💙

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