Chapter 13

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I woke up laying in an empty hospital bed. I jumped up and start freaking out. Where was Jordan. "Jordan!" I called out. I hear a flush in the bedroom and she walks out still wearing her hospital gown. I run to her and hug her. Confused she hugged me back. "What's wrong Ryan?" She asked me. "Nothing J I just thought you left." After everything you've done for me I don't think I could ever bring myself to leave you. This past week you've been the best thing in my life since my mom passed. Thank you for that." She walked over to me and wrapped her arms around my neck. My arms slid around her waist and she stood up on her tippy toes and kissed me. I was surprised but kissed her back. She didn't hold back she poured every emotion into that kiss and so did I. We both pulled back when we could no longer breathe. We looked at each other and she blushed while I rubbed the back on my neck. "Do you know when you can leave?" I asked her. She shook her head no. "Honestly I don't know Dr. Jones hasn't been back since last night." And as if it were on cue Dr. Jones walked in. "Hello Ryan and Jordan." "Hi Cam." "Okay so you can leave today but I want you to talk to a friend of mine Jordan. She's a therapist and after everything you've been through I think it'll help. Also I want you to be careful on both sides of your rib cage. You are a really fast healer from what we could tell and it seems to be that they are all healing properly." "Thank you Dr. Jones for everything and actually I wouldn't mind talking to a therapist." "I'll see you kids later and hopefully not in a situation like this. And here's her number Jordan." And with that Dr. Jones left the room. "Thank god I can leave I hate staying in hospitals. Ryan do you think you could go get me some clothes." "Well you see sense I'm so smart and all I brought some in already." I headed her the clothes and she kissed my check. "Thanks Ryan." She walked in the bathroom to change and I sat in a chair and waited for her. When she walked out we got our things and left. "Can we go by my house please I want to get my truck." I looked over at her noticed she was playing with her thumbs. She tends to do that when she gets nervous so I grabbed her hand and started rubbing her palm. "It's okay J." She looked at me and smiled nodded her head. We pulled into her driveway and she got out of my truck. She ran over to Trevor and got inside. I thought it was cute how she gave her truck a name. Jordan got in and started her truck. She pulled out and I followed her not wanting her to leave my sight.


So I wanted to show you guys what Ryan looks like. But honestly I'm still kinda iffy I'm not 100% sure if I want to keep it the way it is or not. But anyways that picture about is of Ryan when he was waiting for Jordan at the hospital.

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