Chapter 30

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*some many  hours later*

Ryan and I are all dressed up and standing in the schools gym getting ready to line up. I was so nervous my hands were shaking uncontrollably. Ryan walked up to me and grabbed my hands. "Listen J baby it's going to be okay I know this can be very nerve racking but our lives here are ending and our lives in the real world are just beginning. And I promise you I will be there ever step of the way." I had stopped my shaking and I smiled at Ryan. I wrapped my arms around his neck and his arms went around my waist. "Thank you so much."

I kissed Ryan and smiled at him. "It's kinda funny how we'll be sitting right next to each other." I told him. He just smiled and laughed. "Well I knew it would happen because not only am I a handsome and athletic man. I am extremely smart. And so is my gorgeous princess." I blushed and looked down. "I am so thankful to have met you this year. My whole life has been turned upside down for the better since I met you. I love you so much Ryan Wolf." He smiled, "And I love you Jordan Peace." We were called into line and told the graduation had began. Oh did I forget to mention that I was the valedictorian. Also that me and Ryan are the top two of our class.

I heard my name being called and I walked out of the gym and onto our football field. God I hope we can get this over quick I thought to myself. When I walked out I saw and heard Ryan's parents yelling and cheering for me. I laughed and waved. And that's when everyone in the bleachers stood up and cheered for me. Yelling, cheering, clapping and calling my name.

I felt amazing and I was overwhelmed with joy. I had never been praised like this before. I began to wipe away my tears. And that's when they called Ryan's name and and the cheering for even louder. I laughed and cheered him on as well. He wasn't too far behind me. We walked and stood in front of our seats while they called the rest of the graduating seniors.

About 20 minutes later they were done with names and the national anthem was sung by a girl and boy in my class. While I was pulled out with them. They began singing and I began to play the anthem on my violin. When we were done everyone was cheering and clapping. And now it was time for my speech.

"Good Evening parents, family members, friends, staff, and most importantly the graduating class of 2016." Clapping, cheering, and whistling was heard all around me. I smiled and laughed into the microphone. "This year has been amazing for us. Our class alone has brought up our school to the top 5 best schools in America. And with the help of our football team we have become unbeatable against everyone we've gone against. For me personally this year has been extremely hard. Between the bullying here at school and my home life I was so sure I wasn't going to make it to this day. But with the help of my amazing boyfriend who is also the star quarterback Ryan Wolf and his parents I am standing here with you all today." Everyone began to whistle and clap again. "I've made many many memories with many of my classmates. Whether it was helping Jasmine, Rachel, Joey, and Max with you yearbook. Or helping our amazing music teacher set up the talent show. And even helping some of the football team members with creating a new club to get more people more active. I've creating memories here with you all. We all have created memories here. But now it's time to leave high school and enter the real world. Where I know that all of us will become successful. So I want to say congratulations to my class and I wish you all good luck and fortune in your futures. Thank you." I walked off and sat back in my seat next to Ryan. Everyone around me was shaking my hand and patting my shoulders telling me I did a good job.

About 45 minutes later graduation was over and we were taking pictures with everyone. Ryan's parents made their way over to us and told us how proud they were of us. They gave us the option of staying with some friends for a bit. Or we could go straight to the house to get our things then to the airport to leave for Italy. And of course I chose Italy and Ryan said whatever I wanted to do. So we went back to the house got our things and left to the airport.

While on the plane I started to thing about my senior year. I signed up for the talent show and I won 1st place. And I got 3 $50,000 scholarships for any college I wanted to attend. I got 2 $35,000 scholarships for band. And I got 4 $75,000 scholarships for playing my violin. I found out I got accepted to the beat Music Appreciation college in the world. And it just so happens to be that Ryan got accepted to a different college in the same town. Oh and I found out my mother and father both had a will. They made it my mother still alive. Everything they had in their name was now mine. I put my house up for sale and I sold it to a loving family who had a newborn baby. Apparently my mother and father saved up a lot. When I checked my band account there was over 2 billion dollars. I found out my parents owned a very popular and successful company.

I smiled after thinking about it all and looked over to see Ryan passed out snoring. He looked absolutely adorable. I loved him so much. I was so glad we were going to Italy. I thought about staying for a while and maybe even living here. Or I could travel. After I finish school I could travel the world and become a famous violinist. That would be my dream come true.

* 5 Years Later *

Jordan became the worlds youngest famous violinist. And Ryan became a famous writer. He wrote all kinds of books. Poetry, mystery, romance, fantasy, fiction, non-fiction, biographies and auto-biographies. He wrote many books in all genres. By this time Jordan was 23 years old and Ryan was 24 years old. While Jordan was traveling the world playing her violin she made 10 songs that began hits instantly. 1 year later Jordan found out she was pregnant with twins.


So I think I'm gonna end this book right here. I think I did really well with it. But I'm still working on it so I can get better so please don't judge me to harshly lol. 😘😘😘. I bid you adieu my babies 💕💕

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