Chapter 4

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Can't help falling in love with you By the great Elvis Presley violin cover.

As I'm sitting I begin to play one of my favourite songs on violin. I close my eyes and let my hands and fingers work their magic. As I'm playing I begin with cry. This song was my mothers favourite song and every time I play I think of her. As I'm finishing the song my last tear falls. I open my eyes and I see my music teacher standing there crying. "That was the most beautiful thing I've heard in years Jordan. Please tell me you are going to sign up for the talent show?!" "Umm I wasn't playing on it, but for you Ms. Genie..... I ..... I ..... I will." School was finally over and I take my things and walk to Trevor. And who was standing by him. You guessed it. Ryan. "Ryan what are you by Trevor!!?" "By who?" He said smirking. "Ummmmm.... By my truck I said why are you standing by my truck." "Yeah that's what it sounded like you said. But I'm here because of a few reasons." "And those reasons being?" I asked. "Well for one I need your number for this project. Two you still owe me an explanation for the cuts and bruises." "That's it?" "Whale shit you are too sassy for me to handle. I think I'm going to cry." He said faking a hurt look. I laughed a good long and loud laugh. After I stopped I noticed that Ryan was staring at me. "You know you have an amazing laugh." I looked at the ground blushed. I unlocked my phone and gave it to him and he did the same to me. "There now you have my number and now you can go." "Well not necessarily. I still need an explanation." Should I trust him? I barley know him and he barely knows me. I looked down at my phone and saw what time it was. "Shit!" "What? What's wrong?" He asked me. "I'm sorry Ryan I have to go in running late." He moved out of my way and I jumped into Trevor and drove as fast as I could to the house. I pulled into the drive and thanked God my father wasn't here. I ran inside and cleaned up the mess my father made this morning. I cleaned the kitchen, washed the dishes, dusted everywhere, and mopped the floors. I went into my fathers room and cleaned everything. Including his disgusting bathroom. When I was finished the house was spotless and it was time to make dinner. I remembered my father said he was having company over so I made sure there was enough for four people not including myself. When I was done I had a big roast with four different sides. I set all the plates and silverware around the table. Just as I was done I heard the door open. And in walked my father and three other men. They all went straight to the table and sat down with force. "J WHERE THE HELL IS THE DAMN FOOD AT!!!" I ran into the kitchen and brought it all out. "Here sir I'm sorry sir." "Now go get some beer out of the fridge for me and my friends." I walk into the kitchen and grab 4 six packs of beer. As I'm walking back in front I notice that all of my fathers friends as staring at me and looking me up and down. I immediately get uncomfortable and pray to god that I can leave and run up to my room. "Now get the hell out of here." "Yes sir." After he says that I walk to the stairs and as soon as I get there I run as fast as I can to my room. I shut my door and run into the bathroom to take a shower and brush my teeth. As soon as I step into the shower I start to cry. I cry about my father. I cry about my mother. And I cry because I hate my life. I turned off the shower and put my shorts and tank top on then I drag myself to bed. I woke up around 2 in the morning from the sound of creaking. When I look at my door I see 2 of my dads friends shutting and locking my door. I mentally cuss myself out for not locking the door. "What do you what? Get the hell out now!" "Or what?" One of them said with a smirk. "You'll scream? You'll cry? I wish you would make a sound." They both pulled a knife out and one said "If you make one sound I will slit your throat." I immediately broke down. "Oh yes this is going to be so much fun."



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