Chapter 6

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I woke up hearing my father screaming at me. My whole body was sore and I cringed at the memory of last night but pushed it away. I got up and took a shower then I brushed my teeth. I put on some shorts then put sweats on top of those. And I put on my batman tank top and my cardigan. I ran downstairs trying not to think about the pain my body was in. "YOU STUPID WHORE WHERES MY BREAKFAST!!?" "I'm sorry sir I woke up late." "Are you back talking to me?" "No sir." My father gets up and I back up into a corner. He raises his hand and slaps me. Then he punches me in my side and starts to kick me. "Next time this happens I won't go so easy on you you stupid worthless piece of shit." And with saying that he grabs his keys and walks out of the house. I just lay there for a few minutes crying from all this pain. I get up and decide to skip school. I walk back up the stairs and pain shoots through my body with each step. Once I make it to my room I grab my bag and head out to one of the places I love to be at. The park. I have a special place in the park I like to go to. At the park there is a certain path you can go that takes you into the forest. But this path is only visible to those who knows it exists. If you take the path into the forest and keep going straight then make 2 lefts and a right you will find this beautiful abandoned theme park. I found it once when with my mother when she was alive. We were just walking around and the next thing we know we're standing in the middle of the forest. I loved coming out here because it was quiet and peaceful. I walked up to the Ferris wheel and climbing up it until I was at the very top. I grabbed onto the seat and climbed inside and sat down. I grabbed my phone and put my ear buds in and I went straight to my BlackBear playlist. Before I knew it I had drifted off to sleep.

"Jordan. Jordan my love. It's time to wake up darling." "Mommy? Is that you?"
"Yes baby it's Mommy." I instantly start crying and I run into my mothers arms.
"I'm missed you so much momma."
"I know baby I miss you too." "I want to be with you momma. Please take me with you."
"I can't do that baby. You don't belong with me you belong here."
"Please I can't take anymore of this. It's torture every single day."
"I'm sorry baby girl. I hate that you are going through all of this but I promise you it's going to make you a stronger person in the end. I love you so much baby."
"I love you too mommy." My mom releases me and stands back and takes a look at me.
"You are so beautiful baby girl. I'm going to miss you so much. I'm sorry but I have to go now."
"Momma please don't go please don't leave me.!"

I wake up with a jolt and I think about the dream I just had. I pulled my phone and it said 3:10. I figured I might as well take my sweats off and go to the library. I climbed down and walked out of the forest and back into the park. I walked over to Trevor and got inside. I decided that before I go to the library I might as well go to the comic book store to get some new comics. I pulled into the parking lot and walked inside the building. As soon as I walked in I went straight to the Doctor Who section and then the super heroes section. I went to grab the newest Batman edition and someone else did the exact same. When I look up I see Ryan smiling like an idiot. "Hi Ryan." "Why hello there Ms. Sass." I couldn't help but to smile at him. "How are you on this lovely day?" He asked me. "I'm great" I said. "And you Sir Wolf?" He laughed at me and said, "I am doing swell madam." I smiled and picked up the rest of my comics and went to go pay for them. "Are you hungry?" he asked me. "Yeah I'm starving." "Whale than lets go J." "Go?", I asked, "go where?" "Why to the best burger place in town." "Umm alright sure." And with that note we walked out of the comic store and headed to the old vintage burger drive-in. But the only thing I could think about was is this a date? Does he like me? Or is he just trying to be nice? I don't know but I do know this. I can't let him in so easily I can't trust anybody anymore.


Okay so it may seem that she has gotten over the fact that she got raped but really it's killing her on the inside. She is still in pain but she's trying hard not to let it show. Once you go through something like that it doesn't just go away. Some push it away but soon it starts to eat you up on the inside. And if you don't talk about it soon you will explode with emotions that hurt. But anyways have a lovely day. 💋

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