Chapter 8

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I pull up into the drive way and prepare myself for whatever I'm about to face in this retched house. I walk up and open the door and step inside. "JORDAN WHERE THE HELL HAVE YOU BEEN!!!" "I was studying at the library for a school project sir." He looked at me up and down with disgust. "You stupid lying whore. I know your lying to me. You were probably out sucking some strangers dick." At this point I was beyond pissed and hurt. "YOU KNOW WHAT DAD I WAS ACTUALLY OUT STUDYING. AND IF YOU REALLY WANT TO KNOW YOU FUCKING DIPSHIT FRIENDS RAPED ME LAST NIGHT BUT DO YOU CARE NO!!!!!" He just stood there for a second and looked at me. My heart beat fast as he stood there and looked at me. For a second I thought I actually got through to him. But that thought left the room as soon as he came charging at me. He punched me in my left eye and I flew to the floor. He came over and started kicking me in my side. I screamed out in pain. "Please stop!!!" I cried but he didn't care he kept kicking and kicking and kicking. He finally stopped when he thought I had passed out. "Get out of my sight" he said. I pulled myself together and limped upstairs to my room. Once in my room I locked my door and slid down the wall crying. I limped into the bathroom and took my clothes off to see the damage he'd done. I had a black eye and a busted lip. My stomach was bruised badly and I was so sure he broke a rib or two. My bruises made me look disgusting. They were all different colors.... Blue, purple, yellow, and even black. I crawled into the shower and washed up then crawled onto my bed and cried myself to sleep. When I woke up my alarm clock showed the time being 3:10 am. I grabbed my phone and saw that I had 5 messages and 2 missed calls with 1 voicemail. They all had been from Ryan.

Sir Ryan : Hey Jordan.
Sir Ryan : Jordan? Are you okay?
Sir Ryan : J what's going on? Why aren't you answered me?
Sir Ryan : You're killing me J you're killing me.
Sir Ryan : Please pick up the phone or text me back.

After I read all the messages I listened to the voicemail.

"Jordan please pick up the phone or text me back you are starting to worry me. I really care about you and I don't want to see you hurt in any way. When you get this call me please no matter what time it is. Bye J.

After hearing the voicemail I couldn't help but think about calling him. He actually said he cared about me. Oh what the hell screw it what could go wrong? I decided to call him back.

*Ring Ring Ring* *Ring Ring Ring*

"Hello... Jordan?"
"Ryan I'm sorry for my answering earlier. I was......

*for a second I zone out and I think about what happened earlier*

"Hello Jordan? Are you there?"
"Uhhh... Yeah my bad I'm here."
"It's okay J but what happened are you okay?"
"Honestly... No I'm not okay and I'm far from it."
"Tell me what's wrong."
"That's a lot of explaining."
"Well I have time so please tell me."
"I'm sorry Ryan. But I'd rather do this in person if it's okay with you."
"Of course J whenever you're ready I'm there."
"Thank you. Can you meet me at the park at 7:30 am?"
"Yes I can. And you promise you'll tell me?"
"I promise Ryan I will tell you everything."
"Alright. Goodnight J sweet dreams baby girl."

I froze as soon as I heard him say BabyGirl and my heart skipped a beat.

"Goodnight Ryan I'll see you tomorrow."

I hung up and put my phone back on the charger. I rolled over and stared at my ceiling not knowing what to do or how to feel. And soon after I feel asleep thinking about what I was going to tell Ryan later on that morning.


Hiooooooioooo. Whale. Jordan is starting to feel like she can trust Ryan. Whether he realises it or not he has been a pretty important person in her life right now. Where ever you are my ducklings goodnight or good morning. I bid you all adieu adieu adieu.

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