Chapter 19

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*sex scene below if not comfortable you can skip this chapter*


We went back to his house expecting to see his parents but didn't. They were never really at the house but they were still great parents. I jumped on Ryan's back and we began our journey upstairs. We got to his room and I jumped off his back then ran into the bathroom. I had to pee hella bad and couldn't hold it any longer. I washed my hands afterwards and walked out to a shirtless Ryan. Did I ever tell you how attractive Ryan is? His body is like... Hell its beautiful. My eyes travel all over his body and I can feel his cockiness level rise in the air. I walked forward not being able to control myself. I put my hands on his chest and he flinched at how cold they were. But my hands soon got warmed up by his chest. I looked up at him as if I was asking for permission. He only smiled and nodded his head. I looked back to his chest and began roaming it with my hands. My hands went over his abs and chills sent down my spine. My hands traveled from his lower stomach to his face. I grabbed his cheeks and he swatted my hands away then began to pout. I grabbed his face again and pulled it down to mine. Looking into his eyes I felt as if I could see his whole life. Everything he's been through, a story told by his eyes. I leaned up and kissed him softly. What was once a sweet and innocent kiss turned into a heat of passion. I wrapped my arms around his neck and he grabbed my ass picking me up. I moaned softly into his lips then his lips began to travel down my cheek and onto my neck. He backed us up against the wall and began attacking my neck with his kisses that I loved. I put my fingers through his hair and pulled softly, earning a soft moan for Ryan which only turned me on even more. I pulled his face back to mine and smiled at him. He rested his forehead on mine. "It's okay" I said. He looked back up at me and I nodded my head. We leaned into each other and pressed our lips on each other's. But this time it was different, the kiss was filled with passion. He walked us over to his bed and laid me down on it. As he laid on top of me I put my hands on his chest and began to roam again. I broke the kiss and Ryan helped me take my shirt off. He looked down at my breast kissed them both. I moaned and arched my back. Ryan noticed this and smirked. "Oh so you liked that huh?" I giggled, "Shut up and kiss me you nerd." He chuckled and kissed me again. He put his hands on my waist and began massaging my sides. I moaned loudly and began to kiss my neck again. I knew only Ryan could make me feel all of these things. I had so many feelings rushing through my body. But the main feeling was pleasure, my body felt as if it was on fire. I couldn't take it anymore I wanted more. I undid my bra and through it across the room. Ryan's eyes got wide and he slid my shorts and panties off. And I helped him take off his shorts and boxers. I wrapped my legs around his waist and he began to kiss my breast. He took my nipple in his mouth and began to suck. Using one of his hands he grabbed my other breast and began massaging it. And with his other hand he started rubbing my clit. I was moaning uncontrollably feeling all of these emotions all at once. Ryan then slipped two fingers inside me and began to work magic down there. "Uhhh.... R-Ryan.... Please.... Don't stop..." I moaned. "I won't baby." I began to feel something building up in my stomach and I came over his fingers. "You're so wet for me baby." He stuck his fingers in his mouth and licked off my juices from his fingers. I grabbed his neck and pulled him down meeting his lips with mine. I could taste myself on his tongue. He pulled away and leaned into my ear, "Are you ready BabyGirl?" "I think the question is are you ready" I said smirking. He began to kiss me softly and slowly. He began to rub himself against my flower and my body vibrated against his touch. I began to moan and got turned on even more when I heard Ryan moaning. He put a condom on then slowly put himself inside of me. I trembled under his touch and began to moan loudly again. He put all of himself inside me, and there was A LOT of him trust me on that. I started to roll my hips against him and that earned me a loud moan/grunt from Ryan. He began to move in and out of me slowly sending me to a world of pleasure. After a few strokes he started to thrust hard but not to hard. My eyes started to roll back as my body filled with pleasure. "R-R-Ryan.... D-Don't stop... I'm about to...uhhh..." Ryan started to thrust harder and faster. All my senses were focused on the pleasure. I could feel it building up in the pit of my stomach again.... Except this time it was so much stronger. "Ryaaan!!" I moaned loudly as my walls clenched around him and I came. A few seconds after I came I felt Ryan twitching inside of me and he came moaning almost as loud as me. His rolled over laying beside and took the condom off. We were both sweating and panting. I rolled over to my side facing Ryan. He laid on his side looking at me and put his hand on my back and began to run circles on it. I placed my hand on his cheek and using my thumb I rubbed his swollen bottom lip. He smiled and I smiled back removing my hand. "Jordan." He said with a deep and scruffy voice. I could tell me was tired. I yawned, "Yes Ryan?" "I love you princess." "I'm not a princess.", I said, "I'm a King." He chuckled, "I'm all for you being a King J, but I am your King and you my sweets my are my Queen." I blushed. "Fine I'll be your Queen but in my mind I'm still King." He smiled, "Whatever you want baby." I smiled and yawned again. "Sleep with me baby" he said. I rolled over and pressed my back against his front. "I love you too Ryan." And with that wrapped his arm around my waist and I slipped into a peaceful darkness.


Hiya guys. Hope you all had a safe 4th of July yesterday. If any of you know who RuPaul is we are already best friends and if you've ever watched RuPauls Drag Race. One of the things I've always loved her saying is.......


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