Chapter 16

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"Jordan...Jordan...Come on baby doll...Wake up."
"Whose there?"
"It's me baby don't you recognise my voice."
"Momma? But where are you I can't see."
I seemed to be in a cave. A very dark dark cave. I begin to see this light and I walk towards it. I come to the end of the tunnel and I can't believe what I see. It's absolutely beautiful. The colour of the water... And the sky... Oh my god... It's beautiful.
"Hi baby doll." I hear to my left.
"Momma!!" I ran over to her and gave her a huge.
"Momma where are we?"
"Well baby doll we are currently in a place called the Dream World."
"The Dream World? Really?" I said sarcastically.
"Yes the Dream World. And don't get snappy with me missy." I smiled and hugged my mom again.
"Momma I've missed you so much. I want to be with you. Please momma keep me here with you."
"I'm afraid I can't do that honey."
"Why not?" I whined.
"Because baby doll you are destined for amazing things. And it's not my place to take you. It's not your time yet but when it is I'll be here waiting for you baby doll."
"Do you like it here momma?"
"I do baby doll. The people here are nice."
"People?" I asked with a confused look.
"Oh there's people here and there and everywhere. You just can't see them."
I looked around trying to take in everything. This place was absolutely without a doubt beautiful.
"I'm sorry baby doll but you've got to go back now."
"But momma I don't want to. I've barely spent any time with you. Please."
"Until next time my love."
The scenery around me began to jade out and I was once again surrounded by darkness. That's when I woke up with a jolt. I jumped up and put my face into my hands. I noticed that I was extremely sweaty and Ryan was still asleep. So I decided to take a quick shower. I got up and grabbed some more clothes out of my suitcase and walked into his bathroom and locked the door. I got in the shower and turned on the hot water. I grabbed Ryan's body soap and I scrubbed my body from head to toe. I washed my hair with his conditioner. Once I was done I turned the water off and stepped outside the shower. Grabbing my towel I dried my body off and got dressed. I put my hair up into a messy bun and I walked out of the bathroom. I noticed it was 9:00AM and I decided to wake Ryan up. "Ryan" I whispered at first. "Ryan wake up." "Ugh no J" he mumbled. I knew he was gonna play hard so I did the only think I knew I could do. "Alright Ryan keep sleeping." I walked across his room and turned around facing him. I ran at full spend and jumped on the bed landing on Ryan. "JESUS CHRIST JORDAN WHAT THE HELL MAN!!" I began laughing so hard I couldn't keep myself balances on his bed. He took this chance and pushed me off his bed. I landed on the floor with a loud thud. And that was when Ryan started laughing his ass off. I decided to get my revenge. I put my head and began to pretend I was crying. And apparently I was doing a good job because Ryan stopped laughing immediately and leaned over the bed. I took this chance to grab his arm and I pulled him off his bed. He landed on the floor with an another loud thud. And that's when I started laughing my ass off. Ryan looked up at me and I knew I had to make a run for it. I jumped up and ran downstairs with him hot on my tail.


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