Chapter 9

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My alarm went off at 6:00 and I jumped out of bed. But I regretted it as soon as I did I fell to the floor groaning in pain forgetting about what had happened the night before. I put on some shorts and a long sleeve shirt and grabbed my white vans. I walked extra slow down the stairs and I made my fathers breakfast. And this time I poured orange juice into his cup instead of coffee.  I made his plate and put it in his spot along with his orange juice and I walked out to Trevor. I glanced at my phone and it said 7:20 am. I pulled into the park and saw Ryan sitting on the swings. I got out and locked my doors and went and sat next to him. When he looked up and saw me his eyes got huge. "JORDAN WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED!!!?" "Please Ryan calm down and I'll tell you everything. Can we please go sit at that picnic table." We got up and moved to the picnic table. "Alright now spill the beans and I mean all of it missy." I started to get nervous so I played with my thumbs. "Well where should I begin. My mother died when I was a child from a car accident. And ever since then my father started drinking really bad. One day he came home and he beat me. I had bruises everywhere but I learned how to keep them covered so no one would notice. And that's about the same time people started picking on me. And once they started that I didn't know what to do or how to feel. I felt worthless and I hated my life. So I begin to cut myself. I have cut myself in quite a few places. My wrists, my arms, my thighs, on the middle and inner thigh, and I even started cutting my stomach. About 2 days ago my dad invited his friends over. He then got drunk and passed out while I was upstairs sleeping. 2 of his friends came upstairs and locked my door. They held me down and cut me with knifes..... Then they both raped me. And lasts night when I got home my father was yelling at me and cussing at me. And I had been tired of it so I yelled and cussed back. And that's when he came and me and punched me. That's where I got this black eye and busted lip from. Then he started kicking me and broke my rib." I decided if I was going to tell him I might as well show him too. I pulled up my sleeves and showed him my wrist and arms. I pulled my shorts up a little and showed him the cuts on my thighs. And then I pulled my shirt up and showed him my cuts and scars and the bruises. "So now you know everything." I hadn't been aware of this but somewhere in the middle of me telling him I started crying. He wiped my tears away and pulled me into a hug. "I'm so sorry Jordan. Why haven't you told me? Or anybody else?" "I don't know. He's supposed to be my father. I though maybe he'd change but he hasn't." Ryan reached out and touched my bruise. I flinched and hissed in pain. "Oh god Jordan I'm so sorry." I looked into Ryan's eyes and I saw love and hurt. But then anger spread through them like a wildfire. "Where the hell is that sick bastard at?!!" "Ryan please calm down I don't know." "I swear if I ever see him I'll..." In the middle of his sentence he looked at me and saw nothing but fear in my eyes and he instantly calmed down. "I'm sorry Jordan I didn't mean to loose my temper but I seeing you like this is.... Is.. Something I never want to see. What this man has done to you is something that should never be done to anyone." Ryan pulled me into his arms and kept me there for what seemed like forever. And I was glad he did. Being able to let all those feelings and emotions that were held up inside me felt great and now I was exhausted. Before I knew it the world around me got dark and I fell asleep laying on Ryan.


Hiya. I'm so glad and proud that Jordan had to strength to tell Ryan all of that. She is a survivor and she will overcome all of this pain one day 💙

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