CH#3: The past

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*the upper photo is of zoom*
(Author: Both of them are like the race to edge version in this flashback)
Hiccup's P.O.V
I was alone in our base, when I decided to go to the park. It was hard keeping my powers a secret but Jack, Elsa , Merida and Rapunzel made it easy as we were a team and the best of friends. I arrived at the park in a blink and sat on a bench in front of a pond. I was thinking of my life, how it couldn't be better. My thoughts were broken as a blonde girl sat on my left. "Hi, my name is Astrid, I go to the same highschool as yours" she said softly pulling her hand out to shake. "Oh, my name is Hiccup... I heard about you. your pretty-ohsorryI-" I stated shaking her hand but got nervous. "Thanks, your quite cute too yourself" DID SHE SAY THAT I WAS CUUUTTEE?. "Do wanna go get some ice cream?" I asked nervously and Astrid calmly nodded.
*End of flashback*
I was running and never stopping , "hey Hiccup, take it easy you ran around the globe like 6 times" jack stated with worry through my ear com in my helmet. I came back to the basement of Elsa's castle which was our headquarter. "Wooh that was a long run Hiccup, were you thinking of something" Merida asked in worried tone , I shook my head no.
*At the base of the league of vengeance*
Pitch's P.O.V
We were all waiting for zoom to arrive at the base. Suddenly a muscular tall man came in the room with blue lightning trailing behind him. Seriously this guy is a nightmare you can't wake up from. "Where were you!?" Mordu the massive black bear lost his temper and shouted. Zoom didn't even flinch as the black bear stood in front of him. Zoom grabbed Mordu by his throat and we all were terrified of him. Mordu's eyes were filled with fear. "Do that again and I'll make sure your in a grave". Zoom stated with his deathly and creepy voice ," We attack arrendele tomorrow "Zoom commanded. " But the big five will come for us" Gothel stated with confusion. "Let them come , I have a plan".

Hiccup's P.O.V
I was waiting in the park where my beautiful girlfriend was coming to hang around with me and Jay, my best friend who also knew that I had powers. Astrid arrived after a while and we kissed , I could sense a glare coming towards me but I ignored it. We separated and Jay hugged Astrid as they were also good friends.
We were watching a soccer game in my house. Astrid got off my lap and went to the kitchen for a drink. " Hey Jay, I'm gonna tell Astrid that I have powers and am one of the big five, should I?" I asked for his suggestion. He nodded in approval .
I scared Astrid by hugging her from behind. At first she freaked out but then realised out it was me and we both started chuckling. "Hey Astrid I know we've known each other for a month so I want to tell you a secret, I have super speed and am the flash, the hero of Berk and the leader of The Big Five". Her eyes lit up with amazement while her jaw fell on the floor. She hugged me nearly suffocating me while I smiled with relief.


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