CH#9: Ice

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Just so you know, Hiccup is the bigger version of himself AND the upper photo does not belong to me. And, HI EVERYONE 😄😄😃


*At the training room*

Only Jack and Elsa were in the training room for an hour.

"-And that is why I turn the room air conditioner specifically to -5°C." Jack stated to Elsa in a long-story-short kinda voice while Elsa giggled at Jack's story.

"OK enough rest, Jack. Let's start training again. We really need to improve our moves especially together." Elsa spoke to Jack in a sweet voice.

Jack 'AWW'ed like a baby. Elsa looked at Jack seriously.

"Okayy..." Jack said to Elsa while his shoulders drooped down. Elsa giggled at Jack.

"Well let's get started shall we?" Jack hit the level 6 button.

Suddenly many robots flew out of metallic openings and surrounded us. Jack and Elsa were standing back to back. There were dozens of robots surrounding them.

They both grinned at each other and started shooting ice. Their goal was to make their chemistry during fighting better. Jack shot ice at some robots hovering over Elsa and Elsa was shooting ice spikes at the robots bellow.

They had got each others backs and their chemistry was strong, as their friendship. Jack noticed a robot which jumped at Elsa behind her back, he quickly swung his staff at it and the robot was flown away.

"Your welcome!" Jack shouted while fighting the robots around him.

Elsa giggled and gave him a thankful grin and shot a robot very close behind Jack.

"Thank you!" Said in his previous tone making Elsa giggle again.

Elsa's P.O.V

Jack is very sweet, and a little bit handsome... Okay too handsome. He is always very funny and his pranks..they are the best.

"You good!" Jack shouted pulling me back into reality-oh yeah, robots.

*Third person*

Jack and Elsa defeated all the robots then more robots game but only a dozen.

"That all you got!". Jack shouted.

As he said that the remaining robots started to merge and formed into one humongous robot.

"You had to ask!". Elsa stated.

jack and Elsa started to fight the robot. The twisted and turned but in the end got caught up by the robot arm was trying to hit it. They landed with a thud and rolled on the metal floor.

"That thing is impossible to beat" Jack stood up rubbing his head and giving me a hand.

"Not if we can beat it together, you ready?." I asked him taking his hand to get up.

"Was born ready." Jack whispered under his breath as he shook his shoulders.

They both charged towards the robot which stood there in a fighting stance.
I made ice globes and threw them up and Jack used an icy push to shoot them at the robot. They hit it hard and deep and the robot flew backwards but got up fast and the ice that was clearly on his chest was melted away.

"Typical Hiccup!" I shouted to him because all the robots for training are made by Hiccup so he ice proofed the robot especially to make things tricky for us.

"Then we should try our new move" Jack spoke and I quickly nodded.

We dashed towards the robot. Jack picled me up and let go not too high and I landed down making a 10 yard circle of solid ice around me. Jack came beside me after I exited the circle. I lifted the circle up in air and cut it vertically so there were 3 razor sharp blades.

"TALONS OF ICE!!!" Jack shouted while we used our powers to push the blades extremely hard.

The blades or 'talons of ice' as Jack named them shot towards the robot and literally tore it to 5 pieces and went on to get stuck in the thick walls of the training room.

"Hiro's gonna be so mad, the poor guy has a tough job fixing this stuff up. So wanna grab a coffee?" Jack asked me and I nodded.


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