CH#14: The Darkest one

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*Previous chapter continues*
*Third person*

Hiccup was still smiling at Astrid's approval. Minutes after she said yes Hiccup burst into tears and decided to take a walk outside.

*Hiccup's P.O.V*

I was currently in the park. I can't believe she said yes, that she is my fiance now, the most beautiful girl in the world is my fiance.


I flinched by the deep strange voice coming from the dark surroundings.

I looked around to see who said that. Suddenly a 6'4 ft man came out from a dark place. He was wearing a suit that so black that he nearly looked invisible in the dark. He was an ash black mask that he looked like a monster.

I was secretly frightened of the man. I also wondered how the man knew I was the flash.

"Hiccup Horrendous Haddock the Third. You must be proud of that name. Newly engaged...." The man spoke like he knew everything about me.

"Who are you!" I shouted to scare the strange man but he seemed inphased.

" I... I am your worst nightmare Hiccup. I am Zoom. I will be your death." Zoom exclaimed with his ghostly voice.

I had enough of it. I ran to the base to change into my flash suit and charged towards him at my top speed but as my fist was about to touch his face he grabbed my neck.

"Whatwhe HOW?" I exclaimed confused.

He let go of me and I used that to run away. I stopped at an alley very far away from that park to catch my breath.

"Smart man.." I flinched at that voice.

I turned my head and Zoom was standing there.

I was going to run away but he caught me by the leg and threw me into a wall. Then I realised that he was a speedster, who was ten times more faster than me.

He zoomed towards me, banging my head against the wall. I felt the pain rushing through my head. I slowly got up and I ran up a building over five miles up. I run back down, over eight hundred miles per hour. Then I ran into Zoom. My fist planted into Zooms face. He fell back, but right away getting back up.

How did that not work!!? I think to myself. Zoom then ran towards me, hitting me so hard I fell to the ground. Then he grabbed me and threw me into a wall and dragged me to somewhere. My head was spinning and I felt I was close to death.

*Third person*

As Zoom dragged Hiccup through Berk a cruel idea entered his mind as the idea of maximum exposure of the man's defeat would be the best way to go about it. And then he saw his opportunity at City Hall where the Mayor was currently holding a press conference for whatever reason he did not care for. Pushing the Mayor out of the way roughly and going up the steps so that the cameras had a very good view of him and his prey, he began to speak: "People of Berk..., look at your hero".

He effortlessly raised up Hiccup with one hand and could hear even more exclamations at the beaten sight of their beloved hero. "This man is no god, he is nothing and the days of him protecting this city are over." He shook Hiccup a little to garner more shock from those in attendance and those watching at home no doubt horrified by what they were seeing.

An officer of the law could be heard saying to hold fire and Zoom no doubt figured they feared hitting their precious hero when trying to hit him. Something that was utterly laughable in his view of things. "I wonder what will you all do now without your precious hero? I have broken him and I could easily snap his neck just as easily as I hold him with one hand."

One thing was assured from all this, this dark menacing Speedster would be causing numerous nightmares tonight. Especially after he caught every bullet that was shot at him after
the Chief of Police ordered for him to be fired at and then dropped all the bullets to the ground. "Nice try".

All the bullets dropped to the ground as everyone was silent in utter shock. The window broke to reveal the big 4 in there suits. Zoom dragged Hiccup out to the park at super speed leaving the big 4 looking around for Hiccup.

He dropped him and Hiccup was sent rolling on the grass. Hiccup slowly took off his mask to reveal his bloody face.

"What do you want..?" Hiccup sighed in pain while asking Zoom that question.

"I want you stay away from your friends... Your loved ones... Especially that girl...if you don't I'll make you lose them all." Zoom exclaimed loudly and left.

*After 6 hours*

Hiccup played in the base bed with everyone including Anna and Astrid in front of his bed. Hiccup didn't respond to anyone it was like he was in a trance.

"Everyone can Astrid and I have a minute?!" Hiccup exclaimed loudly making everyone flinch.

Everyone left the room and Astrid took a seat next to Hiccup holding his hand.

"I have bad news for you Astrid.." Hiccup said.

"What..?" Astrid said with tears in her eyes.

"I hate you Astrid I never loved you. I cheated on you and just used you. Never talk to me again it is over." Hiccup exclaimed while a shocked Astrid let go of Hiccup's hand.

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