CH#16: Revenge Part 1

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Third person P.O.V:

Every member of the league of vengeance were in the prison beneath the big five's base including Zoom. Jack and Hiccup specially designed it so that the villains powers don't work in the prison. Hiccup was in the cemetery, he decided to visit his fiance's grave before fulfilling his promise to her.


Hiccup was Infront of Astrid's fresh grave, everyone left after the funeral because it started to rain, but Hiccup stayed.

"You know, I never really hated you when I saw you and Jay together. I felt jealous, but never hated you." Hiccup spoke softly with tears rolling down his drooped face.

Suddenly Hiccup's jaw clenched and hands tightened into fists. " I promise, that I will do anything to get revenge, I will get that son of a bi*ch.. I will kill Zoom... "

*End of Flashback*

" Today's the day Astrid, I'm finally going to do it. I thought of this day for 3 years, all this time I felt this day was very far away, but now when the day has feels farther than ever. " Hiccup said worriedly while he squatted down to put blue roses on the grave.

" You know after 3 years anyone would forgive a murderer like him but me.. I can't forgive him because... the memory of that night flashes in my eyes, the night he killed you. " Hiccup grimly whispered as he remembered that painful night.

Suddenly he felt this rage that hasn't been unleashed since that night, but today was the day. " Love you, always and forever.. " Hiccup sweetly spoke like Astrid was right in front of him. Hiccup blinked away the tears and speeded back to the base main hall.

He stopped to see no one was here and all of their armors were gone, this made him more angry but also suspicious. His eye caught the screen where the video was being shown of Zoom in his cell. At that moment Hiccup lost it, he put his helmet and armor on and sped towards the underground prison and slammed the doors open. His eyes enlarged with anger and shock as he saw his own team ready to protect Zoom, everyone was there, armors on them and guns fully loaded, shields towards him. He was offended to hear Merida say: "Throw all of it in, don't hold back."

He stood in a ready stance as did the team and the fight began.

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