CH#11: Group training part 2

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*previous chapter continues*

The ball of ice crashed down like a comit and everyone including the robots fell down. The big eight groaned and stood up only to see all the robots were destroyed.

"Dibs on the hot chocolate!" Jack shouted and ran towards the kitchen as he saw that training had been finished.

"No, NO!!. That was mine!!!" Anna whined and chased Jack because of her endless obsession with chocolate.

"Just don't....drink all of it!" Elsa shouted to the two who were long gone.

"Good work everyone. Well enough for today, go rest." Hiccup stated while pushing some buttons on his metallic suit and the whole suit made up into a silver watch.

Everyone stared at Hiccup with mouths wide open. Hiccup realized what happened.

"Oh this is my new invention" Hiccup stated like it was nothing.

"What is with him and inventions..?" Elsa muttered but Merida and Punz heard her.

"I know right..?" Merida muttered a reply. Punz patted Hiccup's shoulder while chuckling as the whole team walked out the training hall.

I am really sorry for the short chappie guys.
⚡Have a nice day guys⚡

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