CH#25: Pain

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Third Person P.O.V

"What have I done...?" Hiccup asked Harrison that was standing in front of him with his arms crossed.

"I told you so didn't I ?" Harrison spoke with a slight angery tone.

Hiccup didn't say anything as he was lost of words. "I told you that everything would be different if Astrid remembers. So what good did it do in Astrid remembering her past life. Now Elsa's suffering from three different cancers. Jack has lost hope that she can be saved so he never came back to see his wife, yes they are married Haddock. Rapunzel and Flynn are resting in the cemetery because they were assassinated. Anna's world is shattered because her sister's dying, Kristoff works at some car wash after the death of his partner Flynn and Merida is nowhere to be found." Harrison explained the consequences of his actions.

Hiccup lowered his head in disappointement as he heard that his team, his friends, his family has broken apart. "I wish I could see your disappointed face for a week but we should fix this." Harrison said in a gritty voice.

"We can fix this!?" A spark of hope lighted in Hiccup's eyes as he looked up to Harrison.

"To no avail of you destroying any way to fix this yes there is a way. We will re-write Astrid's memories so that she never meet you or your friends and she'll be working for the FBI. I don't care if you like it or not but it's better than this mess you created. It's going to take 5 hours minimum to make the trinomial dicimilator to re-write her memories. Catch!, I will call you on that phone when I'm finished." Harrison threw a phone and Hiccup caught it.

Harrison turned around to get to work but Hiccup called for him. "Why weren't you changed by this timeline that I created?" Hiccup curiously asked.

"Because Haddock, I'm a time master." Wells stated then walked away.

Hiccup speeded through the internet to find what he needed. He went to a cemetery in Corona.

He stood in front of two graves. The very graves of his two friends Rapunzel and Flynn, or should he say Eugene. He always knew Flynn's name was Eugene. Tears were rolling down his cheeks to see the two graves.

*2 hours later*

Hiccup finally found Jack. He was an alcoholic in the small coast city. He was in a bar sitting on a stool not drunk but dark circles beneath his eyes and face full of sadness. Hiccup sat down beside him and Jack stared at him like he had seen a ghost.

"Hello old friend..." Hiccup stated.

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