CH#26: Love is binding us together

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Jack's P.O.V (been a long time)

No matter how far away I go away from her. I always think about her, about the life I left. But now I think of how much I've ran from my past I realize it was never catching up to me. It was always with me.

Someone sat down next to me knocking me out of my thoughts. I looked to him to see....

"Hello old friend." He said.


"H-How d-did you find me...?"

"It's been a while.." He said.

We both tackled each other into a hug.

Third person P.O.V

"Haven't seen you for a long time man." Jack said.

"I know. Look Jack I think you know why I'm here. Elsa wants to talk to you."

"Hiccup you more than anyone knows why I can't come back."

"I know, but now after understanding all the reasons and promising Elsa one last talk with you. I'm asking you as my greatest and closest friend, please come back to Elsa. Even for one last talk. Please." Hiccup was on the verge of begging.

Jack sighed. He then nodded.

Hiccup's eyes lit up with joy. He took Jack to S.T.A.R Labs not even looking back to what the men in bar thought about the crackling lightning he left behind.

They arrived there in mere seconds.

Jack's hands were shaking even by arriving at the familiar corridor.

Hiccup spotted Anna crying on a bench far away and he ran to her. Anna looked towards her left to see the familiar friend.

"Anna, Elsa's going to be fine. I brought Jack too." Hiccup hugged Anna back.

"I don't think if Elsa will ever get better I-I mean look at her, it's been 8 months Hiccup, everyone has left except you. Today Kristoff was asking me if we should break up because he thinks he doesn't deserve me because he works in a car wash." Anna sobbed on Hiccup's shoulder.

"Anna no one has ever left either Elsa or you. Even Flynn and Rapunzel, their always with you Anna. Anna I don't know how but I know that things will be better. I promise you that very very soon Kristoff will be happy with you. Elsa will be back on her feet to live her life to the fullest with Jack and you. And Rapunzel and Flynn will always be with us, to watch Merida's arrows merely miss Jack's butt. You'll be happy Anna." Anna laughed a little between her tears.

"And Astrid?" Anna asked.

"Well... She'll be there too". Hiccup faked a smile.

"When did you become so mature and wise Hiccup? Where is the scrawny boy I met?" Anna questioned chuckling.

"Well......he's in there somewhere." Hiccup smiled but this time it a real one.

*Jack and Elsa conversation:

Elsa was reading a book about love. It was her favourite and she's been reading it for an year now. It was the last line of the last chapter. She was reading it out loud.

"Through the past few years, through the roses, fights, kisses, and breakups, they both always had found each other, and now sitting beside each other facing the beautiful sunset their story ends as finally-" Elsa was cut off.

"They live happily ever after." Jack spoke as he had already read the end of the story.

Elsa's eyes shot up to see her husband in front of her with the same lovely smile on his pale face.


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