CH#18: Our Story Continues

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*Third person P.O.V*

Hiccup was frozen stiff with shock.

"H-How-w?" The words came out with short spaces in them. No one could blame the boy, his former bestfriend was the rival speedster who killed his fiancé.

Jay was standing on the other side with a smug smile on his devious face.

"Same thing that happened to you. Copied your whole story, did the math and lightning struck". Jay's normal voice came which Hiccup was more left in shock with.

He still couldn't speak a single word after the amount of shock that smashed into him.

"Why did you kill her..?" Those words squeezed out of Hiccup's throat and which Jay smirked.

"Imagine this.., you have a great life, no powers no responsibilities, you go to college, good grades and the most beautiful girl in the WORLD is very close to you. This perfect life sounds like a fantasy but it isn't, it was MY LIFE. Until you came in, swooped her and banished me forever. Look how the perfect life fell down, and shattered into trillions of pieces in a flash. So tell me now... Would you go on with that life, or would you do ANYTHING, to get it back, Because I know I would do any SINGLE get it back". Jay gave this speech in which he let all of his emotions out. He was filled with rage.

"Then why kill her?.." Hiccup asked frustrated of how much information that was shoving into his head.

"If I can't have her, no one can..." Jay spoke smirking.

"You SICK SON OF A BITCH!!!! YOU NEVER CARED ABOUT HER!!!, YOU SICK MINDED PIECE OF- WHY??!!!!". Hiccup raged out on the glass wall punching and punching it continually not caring about his bleeding knucles, not caring about his drained out energy.

He speeded out to the medical bay where everyone was angrily.

He reached there to see everyone looking good as new and Rapunzel healing a very injured Jack. After a few seconds Jack was in perfect shape.
Rapunzel came towards Hiccup and guided him to sit down. He did as she said because he was in a state of shock. Punzie put both of her hands on Hiccup's shoulders which made Flynn a little jealous. Punzie's hands glowed a bright yellow and in a moment his scars and blood was gone and he was healed but his expression never changed.

"Jay's Zoom.." he whispered silently while he stared into nothingness.

Rapunzel's expression turned curious than ever and she squatted to Hiccup's eye level. "What?..." She softly asked noticing Hiccup's expression.

"Jay's Zoom" He repeated the words after a while.

"What?!!" Now Rapunzel fell down with shock at Hiccup's words.

Flynn immediately caught her and he asked what is wrong.

"What?!!" Suddenly Jack shouted.

"JAY IS ZOOM!!!" Rapunzel immediately shouted back from Flynn's arms.

Flynn, Kristoff and Anna were confused of what the others were talking about.

Elsa, Jack and Merida were frozen stiff with shock while Rapunzel was freaking out.

"Hiccup please tell me this just a joke". Elsa asked Hiccup who was sitting down emotionless.

"I wish I could". He spoke blankly and continued to stare into nothingness.

Those words sent chills down Jack, Merida and Elsa's spines.


Then a huge explosion was heard and everyone put there guard up, even Hiccup.

They ran down to the basement to see a massive whole in the titanium wall.
That's when everyone realized.

The league of Vengeance got out.

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