CH#23: Love and Time

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Third Person P.O.V

Hiccup was still in shock. Astrid was confused. His eyes were watery as he was having all those memories of the night she died.

"Oh I know why your confused but I can explain?" Astrid casually said making Hiccup's curiousity rise up.

Astrid took Hiccup to a secret base where many people were working. From the looks of it, the whole place looked like a spy organization.

Astrid brought 4 people into the main hall where Hiccup was standing examining all the workers around him and listened to them talk about secret missions and bunkers.

"Hiccup, this is Fishlegs, Tuffnut, Ruffnut and Snotlout. There from Scotland." Astrid told Hiccup impressed by him as he wasn't tearing up.

They gave him a hand shake and when Snotlout pull out his hand froward, Hiccup grasped it quickly and was holding very sternly. Snotlout tried to hide the pain as he continued to give Hiccup a smirk.

"Look at her like that again and I'll rip that smirk right off your face." Snotlout nodded in pain and Hiccup let him go.

"Sir I am a huge fan of you. I've read how you save people in merely seconds." Fishlegs was so much exited as the flash was idle. Hiccup smiled at him.

"So during your fight with the league of Vengeance a cosmic bomb was detonated that blew half of the earth to ash. But when you were running out of the explosion your emotions pushed you to the Time speed. It's basically the speed needed to change time. So now many small and big changes have occurred because you changing time. That includes her too." Ruffnut looked towards Astrid.

"How do you all know this?" Hiccup questioned taking all the information in his head.

"Because Hiccup Haddock... We're the Time Masters." Tuffnut said in a dramatic tone and posed crossing his arms. A grin was on Hiccup's face.

Astrid went out of the room to drink water.

"Sadly Astrid doesn't remember the time you spent with her." Ruffnut said.

Hiccup didn't know whether he should be sad that she doesn't remember or happy that she's alive.

"We should devise a way to make her remember". Hiccup forced those words out.

"Yes we have... But always remember that with better things there come deeper problem. But Don't you think that Astrid being alive is too good for you." A man came ino the room. He was the C.E.O of the agency. His name card said Harrison Wells.

"What did you say?" Hiccup kept his anger under the line.

"I.. am saying that whenever things feel too good you fall down into the problems. And I can guarantee you that you won't be able to walk away from them. So tell me... Doesn't having Astrid back too good for you. You have two choices now. Either you live with these changes or.... Change them back to how they were. So Mr.Haddock what are you going to choose?"



              Tune in next week to see what the hell Hiccup's going to choose.😅😅😅.

Starring Genius evil talking guy named Harrison Wells, photo is at the top.


Ok ok I know but cliffhangers are the good stuff. Seriously though your going to love the next chapter.

So have a good day everyone and Adiós :).

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