CH#4: The past part 2

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Author: Hey everyone :)

*Flashback 3 years*
Jay's P.O.V
I have a crush on Astrid. I know that Hiccup and her are in a relationship but I can't stop it. If Hiccup knows of this he will , I don't know what he'll do to me. And Jack and the others what will they think of me. I have to tell her, I can't keep it in me anymore. I was currently in the highschool when I spotted Astrid in an empty hallway. "Hey Astrid I've got something to tell you" , "Mhm"she replied turning towards me after closing her locker. " I've known you for 3 years and it was very hard to keep this to myself until now. I.. Have a crush on you, since the day I met you". I saw that she was in shock so I took the opportunity to hold her hands.
Astrid's P.O.V
My head spun with confusion , I liked Jay but as a friend. I couldn't process anything. I stood frozen while my vision was blurry. As my vision cleared I saw Jay holding my hands and when I looked right I saw Hiccup. He stood frozen with a broken hearted look on his face. "Hiccup its not what-" , "I saw what I saw" It was the first time Hiccup spoke to me like that. His glare towards Jay was deathly. "Hic its not what it looks like , I-", before I could finish my sentence he and Jay were gone in a blink. HICCUP TOOK HIM!!

Author: Whazzup guyz so sorry for this short chapter and updating late. Next chapter will be ddaaa BAAAMMBB sorry for that im just getting the hypes. byez :)

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