CH#17: Revenge Part 2

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*Previous chapter continues*

*Third pesron P.O.V*

Hiccup dashed forwards towards his team but as Merida ordered, they weren't holding back. Jack layered the floorwith thin ice making Hiccup slip down but he stood up at light speed. Merida kept constantly shooting arrows whether they were bomb or net arrows. Kristoff and Flynn shot from dual pistols at the same time and also Elsa shot ice daggers with Anna behind her throwing ninja stars.

The space in front of Hiccup was filled of daggers bullets and arrows, it almost looked impossible for him to dodge them but if he hadn't saw the face of Zoom in the glass cell far away he wouldn't have dodge all of them. He moved so fast that lightning behind him also looked like a statue.

Jack suddenly swung his staff at him but he ducked with the staff inches away from his face. Hiccup tiredly speeded to the team but Rapunzel made a forcefield and Hiccup's body smacked against it. He was sent flying backwards making him dizzy.

He slowly stood up on his feet. The team stood behind him at a safe distance.

"Stop it Hiccup!, don't you see?, your becoming just LIKE him". Merida shouted towards Hiccup pointing at Zoom.

Hiccup kept staring down and then he shrieked in rage and in a tornado of lightning he transformed into a more scarier version of himself. His eyes and suit were laced with bright yellow lightning, he looked absolutely frightening.

"I became much More than him since that night". Hiccup grimly spoke with a static deep voice much petrifying than Zoom. His eyes were covered with lightning which also made him more ghost like.

( Author: He looks like this right now: 


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The words that came out of him absolutely left the team dumbstruck. Hiccup slowly walked towards them with dazling lightning dancing behind him like aggressive snakes.

Anna, Flynn, Rapunzel and Kristoff ran to fight him hand to hand. Hiccup was invincible, he made use of Kristoff's run to a tackle into Flynn and Anna's round house kick for tying her her feet together. Th three were knocked down unconcious.

Rapunzel swung a golden whip at him but he grabbed the whip. Rapunzel was shocked by  Hiccup not even wincing at the whip. He pulled the whip back throwing her towards him. He lifted her up and her looked up at her. Rapunzel had never seen a more terrifying face than that. He let go of her and she dropped down laying stiffly because she was that frightened and she was nearly drained out.

Hiccup Approached Merida, Elsa and Jack slowly giving them time to get ready.

"This is it guys, we can do this. Don't hold back, give it all you got. As Jack might say ' This is gonna be fun' ". Merida gave a slight optimism to the other two.

"I would never say that if DEATH WAS IN FRONT OF ME!. I mean look at him!, he looks like a reaper". Jack replied frightened by the dark version of Hiccup in front of him.

"For Astrid." Elsa said and the three went silent. They all nodded and shouted: "For Astrid!".

Jack made ice claws and made his staff into a ice slegh hammer. Elsa made sharp shields on her arm. Merida got her metal bow out for close fight. Zoom's cell was right behind them . Hiccup's power increased with more and more lightning around him and he looked like a demon now. The three charged forwards and Hiccup charged towards them too. Merida kept shooting arrow on the way, Jack and Elsa shot ice projectiles towards Hiccup on the way too. The distance between the two vanished and the forces crashed. The ball of energy blew up like a nuclear bomb.

Everyone was thrown back and Zoom hid his eyes from the blinding light. Everyone was laying of the floor drawn out of their energies. Hiccup was never going to give up, he slowly stood up limping and Merida, Jack and Elsa weakly moved their heads up towards Hiccup. Hiccup switched into his dark version but then was switched back because of the lack of energy, after a few tries he remained in it. He limped towards Zoom's cell and Jack tried to stand up but Hiccup stopped him and said: "Rest.. It'll be over soon...".

He reached in front of Zoom's glass cell staring directly into his eyes. They looked like the same but Hiccup was much more petrifying.

"It's pay." Hiccup stated going back to the dark memories.

"It seems that you've rehearsed this speech multiple times. Yet no words are coming out".

"SHUT UP!!!" Hiccup shouted punching the door but nothing happened to the glass.

"I will END you.." Hiccup grimly spoke.

As he was about to open the cell to take his revenge Jack shouted his name.

"IS THIS WHAT ASTRID WANTED YOU TO DO!!!" Jack shouted from his back.

"Ask YOURSELF this, WOULD Astrid want this??!!!" Jack's voice raised more higher.

Hiccup was left standing still.


This sentence kept repeating in Hiccup's head again and again. He tried to stop it but it never would. Then he made a decision, he turned around and took his friends up to the medical bay in a flash. Jack was first surprised but then happily nodded.

Hiccup speeded back down Infront of Zoom's cell and calmly asked : "Who are you?"

Zoom didn't speak a word while he unclipped his mask.

Hiccup was left fallen dumbstruck then ever.



Author: Whattup peepes. Did you like the chapter?. IT WAS AWESOME!!!!!. ZOOM'S IDENTITY IS REVEALED OH YEAH!!. I wanted to write this chapter a long loonnggg time ago.

So basically if anyone is confused on who Jay is here is the description: Jay was the best friend of Hiccup and a close friend of Astrid in highschool. Jay loved Astrid but she and Hiccup became a couple. Jay tried to get Astrid back but he was banished by Hiccup.

So guys thank you for reading my story every view counts. You guys are the best and I can't thank you enough.

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            ⚡Have a nice day guys⚡

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