CH#6: Zoom

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Zoom's P.O.V
The league and I marched towards Arrendelle and I know the spy's knew of this. But it was all part of my plan.

"Where are we going...boss?" Hans asked me.

"Yeah what's the plan!?" Gothel shouted to me.

I only looked back at her to shut her up, she gulped and lowered her head.

"Destroy the surroundings so we can get the big five's attention" I ordered.

Hiccup was the only one on my mind. I left him so weak.. So shattered....3 years before. Well he got what he deserved.

Hans P.O.V

Zoom looked caught up at the moment. The look of pure anger on his face. He clenched his fists.

Jack's P.O.V

We got an alert on our computer system. It was the league. Zoom...I have to keep this away from Hiccup. Everyone except Hiccup came because Hiccup was in the training room.

"Its the league!!.. We have got to keep this away from Hiccup. If he finds out Zoom is there. He will kill him." I told everyone while Elsa put a hand on my shoulder.

"Your right but how are we going to defeat the league without him. We can't do this without him." Anna stated taking her place at the computer desk.

"You won't." My head turned around in shock to see Hiccup standing at the entrance. I saw the rage in Hiccup's eyes while he stood there, his fists clenched and knuckles turning white.

"Suit up everyone, fast" He ordered us, everyone went to their own rooms including Flynn and Kristoff but Merida walked towards him.

Merida's P.O.V

"Hiccup, don't lose it out there. He may be a monster but you are not. Don't kill him, he took a lot from you the previous 3 years. You trained so hard to beat him, you made your life miserable to get faster and faster but no more, don't let him take your humanity." I hugged him and he hugged back. I always felt safe around him. I kinda have a huge crush on him since the past 2 years but I never told him and also what's the point?. He was too busy training. After what Zoom did to him, we never contacted each other. He never talked to us. The team split apart. Only Jack and Elsa met with each other.

"Merida.., can you let go of me no?" Hiccup asked for which I immediately broke the hug.

My cheeks started burning and I tried to hide my face as the team came.

Anna's P.O.V

After we suited up except me because I took check of the team's vitals. I went behind the computer turning on my earpiece and everyone also turned theirs on too. Everyone except Hiccup and Jack got onto their motorcycles after putting masks on.

Hiccup's P.O.V

We arrived their to see the league standing in between broken buildings and shops. My eyes locked at Zoom. My jaw clenched with rage. The want to kill him right away came over my head as I remembered that night.. That night he destroyed me... He made my life insuferable.

"Hello Flash..."


Author here, hey guys whatsup. Sorry for any grammer mistakes. Comment any suggestions and improvements in the plot.

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