CH#24: Regret

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Author: Hi everybody and welcome to another chapter with your dirpy writer, Hiccup--Haddock-3 XD. I want to dedicate this and many other chapter s to my favorite TV show, The flash. They will have some references to it. It's not a problem if you don't watch it. So I should stop blabbering and start writing.

*Previous Chapter Continues*

Hiccup's P.O.V

I didn't want to listen to this guy tell that the one thing that made me what I am is too good for me.

"I know it's a tough decision for you but you have to distance yourself from her. If you don't, she'll remember everything. Then the timeline will set and everything will change as if she never died. After that I don't think it'll be easy to change things back to normal." Harrison voice lowered to silent whispers that we could strangely hear.

"Then I know exactly what I should do." I said glaring in Harrison's eyes.

"And what's that?" Harrison kept glaring back.

"Make her remember." He immediately lowered his head in disappointement.

"Knew it." He moved his head sideways.

"Then get out and ruin everything. But I guarantee you'll turn up right back in this facility full of regret and sorrow." Harrison shouted and I just smiled in amusement, mocking him.

"Well then let's see." I said before exiting the facility with Astrid in my arms.

"Why were you and Harrison shouting at each other?" Astrid asked.

"Just a little argument." I simply shrugged.

We were standing face to face.

"But I know that the only thing I care about is me and you." I looked right into her eyes and she closed the gap between our lips. It felt live i've been waiting for this kiss for centuries. I felt something flow through me or was the butterflies in my stomach. She instantly pulled back. I opened my eyes to ask what's wrong but when I did we were near a huge building. It had a huge hole in its side and S.T.A.R labs written on a huge board. Astrid had a phone into her hands. "C'mon we should see Elsa." I was so confused but then I realized that Astrid had remembered everything. She was now permanently alive. She said holding my hand and taking me into the building.

We entered the huge building and walked through the longest lobby in the world and finally went in room. I looked to my right to see Anna sitting in the corner. I looked forward to see...


She was on a hospital bed with oxygen mask and many small pipes inside her at certain body parts. Her face was emotionless and dark circles below her eyes.

Third Person P.O.V

Hiccup's eyes watered with sorrow after seeing Elsa in such a strangled position. "Hiccup.." Elsa whispered when Hiccup sat down and held her hand.

"It's been a year Hiccup. You know that my death is close. You have to find Jack and make him talk to me one last time. Promise me." Hiccup was heartbroken by her words. He nodded while tears rolled down his cheeks. He stood up and exited the room of tears to take everything that's happening in his head. He was crying at what he had done.

He looked up to see Harrison Wells standing infront of him with his arms crossed.

Hiccup saw the familiar face and questioned: "What have I done..?".


Author: Tune in next week to find out what kind of screwups Hiccup did 😂😂😂. That's all folks. The next few chapters are my favourite so please vote for them and this one too. I have nothing else to say then, BYE BYE :).

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