CH#8: Mericcup Training

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Hiccup and Merida went outside to train. Merida put her suit on and picked up her arrow bag and bow. She had many different trick arrows with different coloured bands on the quivers of her arrows so she could know which type of arrow she was throwing. She took out a simple arrow and aimed at Hiccup who had got his suit on.

"Your gonna throw those at me?" Hiccup asked chuckling at her fierceness.

"Mhhmm" Merida murmured humming a yes and let go of her arrow.

For Hiccup everything was still except the veeeerrrryyyy slow arrow flying towards him. Hiccup chuckled and stepped away from the direction of the arrow.

The arrow flew away missing Hiccup by a huge distance. Hiccup chuckled at Merida's raging reaction.

"Oh its on!" Merida pointed an arrow towards Hiccups smug expression.

Hiccup grabbed the arrow and Looked at Merida chuckling at her. Suddenly the arrow blew up freezing Hiccups entire arm.

Hiccup looked at Merida in utter shock. "For real, well too bad I have THIS" Hiccup pushed a button on his metal suit and the frost melted instantly.

Merida's jaw dropped to the while Hiccup chuckled.

"Now its on!" Merida stated shooting arrows at Hiccup.

Some of the arrow had mini bombs in them, some were shock arrows stunning there victims with electricity, some opened and a net flew to trap Hiccup and some blew up to reveal hundreds of mini arrows. Hiccup successfully dogged each and every one of those. Merida's eyes were open as she was panting.

She then drawed out an arrow. It wasn't like an ordinary arrow, it was made out of a silvery metal with a blue lightning like coil around the body of the arrow. It also had a little button on it.

"Ughhh...what is THAT for.." Hiccup asked step a little bit back with a little fear rushing through his body.

"Oh its just a gift...for you speedsters" Merida said aiming it at Hiccup.

She pushed the button on the arrow and the blue coil on the arrow lit up with lightning surging over it. Hiccup hopped back and prepared himself.

Merida let go of the arrow. Merida was pushed back with the force of the arrow. It shot towards Hiccup with light speed, a speedsters speed. Hiccup was astonished by the speed of the arrow and ducked defending himself as he had no time to think. The arrow grazed  his helmet and flew towards the ocean behind.

Merida jumped back up. She looked at what happened and then saw Hiccup in a sitting position with his jaw dropped to the floor.

Merida snorted at Hiccup's priceless expression while Hiccup layed on the
floor and sighed in relief that the arrow just grazed his helmet.

"C'mon let's go back. Enough training for today." Merida said giving Hiccup a hand to stand up. Hiccup took it and stood up.

"So you this'll help defeat... Zoom?" Merida asked Hiccup hesitantly taking Zoom's name.

"Well both our speeds are equal but don't underestimate him..." Hiccup stated to Merida and then they started walking towards the base.


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